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Five mothers die before seeing newborn baby after waiting for COVID vaccine


A woman who was pregnant with her fifth child died of COVID-19 before she had the opportunity to meet her newborn.

Saiqa Parveen, 37, from Birmingham, England, was infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, about eight months pregnant. After that, she spent five weeks in the intensive care unit.

Purbean’s condition deteriorated throughout September, and medical staff had to put her on a ventilator to give birth to a baby. Parveen died in early November without being able to hold a child.

The woman’s husband, Majid Gaffle, 40, is currently caring for her five children alone. The baby was born healthy despite his mother’s illness.

Gaffle told Sky News: “I didn’t even know if she had a baby girl or a boy. Very sad, very sad. Just shocking. She didn’t have a chance to talk to me, even five minutes told me about her daughters. You know, what to do to speak. “

“She couldn’t even speak. She couldn’t breathe properly, she couldn’t speak,” she said. “This has completely changed my life. Now that this has happened, am I thinking about how to deal with this?”

The husband said he was able to visit his wife in the intensive care unit, but the children had to say goodbye via video chat.

Mr. Gaffle said his wife was given the COVID-19 vaccine in the summer but decided to wait after the baby was born until it fired.

Following his wife’s death, Gaffle urged unvaccinated people to give injections, if possible.

“She was a very nice person, my wife,” Gaffle said. “I’m going to convey this message to the whole world, I just ask everyone to get the vaccine, otherwise it’s very difficult for them.”

“It’s a very deadly illness, you know. She planned so many things, and this illness didn’t give her a chance.”

Husband to local news agency Birmingham Mail His wife had no underlying condition and was healthy before being infected with COVID-19.

As her condition worsened in the hospital, Parveen suffered from sepsis, double pneumonia, other infections other than COVID-19 and both her lung holes.

Gaffle said his wife’s death was a huge loss to the whole family.

“Her daughters ask,’When will mom come back?’ Parbean was the most compassionate person. She couldn’t live without her family,” he said. Post.. “She was a woman of principle. She took care of everyone, and her mother is still alive.”

“Everyone was praying for her. She was a very diligent and kind woman. Her husband is crying, but he must be strong for his daughters.”

Pregnant woman If you recently gave birth to a baby, Serious illness According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 (compared to non-pregnant people)CDC.. )

This is because pregnancy can cause changes in the body and reduce its ability to fight respiratory infections.

According to the CDC, vaccination can protect you from serious COVID-19 infections, including “people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, currently trying to become pregnant, or who may become pregnant in the future” over 12 years of age. Recommended for all people.

Currently available evidence shows that the benefits of vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine outweigh the known or potential risks. Vaccination during pregnancy, According to the CDC.

There is no evidence to suggest that the COVID-19 vaccine causes infertility problems in men or women, officials said.

Coronavirus particles
Illustration of an artist of coronavirus particles. A mother who was pregnant with her fifth child died of COVID-19.




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