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Studies say eating fat can reduce the risk of stroke as long as it’s the right type


However, it is the type of fat, not the amount, that seems to be the cause of the stroke. Eating plant-based fats reduces the risk of stroke, according to a study presented Monday at the American Heart Association Science Session 2021.

The study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, found that those who ate the most vegetable-based fats were 12% less likely to experience a stroke than those who ate the least.

Conversely, those who ate the highest levels of animal-based saturated fat were 16% more likely to experience a stroke than those who ate the least amount of that type of fat.

Fenglei Wang, a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University’s Faculty of Nutrition and lead author, said: TH Chan School of Public Health, in a statement.

Types of dietary fat

You need fat to survive. Fat helps your body absorb vitamins from food, keep hormones functioning, build cells, energize you and keep you warm.

Vegetable oils such as extra virgin olive oil, sunflower oil and soybean oil are considered

However, it is unsaturated fats from vegetables, nuts, and fatty fish that help lower cholesterol levels and stay healthy.

“What are the main sources of vegetable or vegetable fats?” Asked Alice Lichtenstein, director and senior scientist at the Cardiovascular Nutrition Institute at Tufts University in Boston.

“They are liquid vegetable oils such as polyunsaturated fatty acid-rich corn oils, safflower oils, sunflower oils and soybean oils, and oils such as mono-unsaturated fatty acid-rich canola oils and olive oils.” Said in a statement. She was not involved in the study.

“These are the types of oils that should be used in food processing,” she added.

Saturated and trans fats are generally less healthy. Saturated fats are usually derived from lean or processed meats and tend to solidify at room temperature. This study included beef, pork, lamb, bacon, sausages, bologna, hot dogs, salami and other processed meats.

“Moderate reductions in lean and processed meat consumption with a healthy diet pattern have a total mortality rate of 13%, heart disease mortality rate of 14%, cancer mortality rate of 11%, and risk of type 2 diabetes. Can be reduced by 24%, “says Dr. Frank Hu. , Harvard TH Chan Public Health School Dean of Nutrition In a previous CNN interview.. President Hu is one of the authors of the stroke study.
Interestingly, studies found that milk fats such as cheese, butter, milk, ice cream, and cream were not associated with an increased risk of stroke. There is ongoing debate among nutritionists about the role of dairy products in the diet. This is the main source of calcium.USDA 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans You need 3 servings of dairy products daily, preferably a low-fat version and a non-fat version.

Long-term research

The study analyzes 27 years of data from approximately 120,000 nurses and medical professionals who are part of the two longest-running nutrition studies in the United States, the Nurses’ Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. Did.

According to Mega Study, processed lean meat related to heart disease

Because this study is observational, the results cannot establish a causal relationship between fat consumption and stroke risk, only an association. Other restrictions in this study include primarily the Caucasian population (97%) and the fact that people self-reported their diet every four years.

Still, the result is Consistent with previous studies It shows the benefits of a plant-based diet and an animal-based diet.

“A key feature of a good dietary pattern for the heart is balancing calorie intake and calorie needs,” says Lichtenstein. “Choose whole grains, lean plant-based proteins, a variety of fruits and vegetables, limit salt, sugar, animal fats, processed foods, alcohol, and foods to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. This guidance applies regardless of where it is prepared or consumed, “she added.





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