Colorado COVIDICU Nurses Share How Difficult Things – CBS Denver
![Colorado COVIDICU Nurses Share How Difficult Things – CBS Denver Colorado COVIDICU Nurses Share How Difficult Things – CBS Denver](
Aurora, Colorado. (CBS4)- Kathleen Combs was in some of the most unpleasant places of our time. She is currently working at COVIDICU at UC Health Hospital for 19 months.
“My world is still completely COVID,” Combs said. She has worked in ICU for 18 years and has been a nurse for over 20 years. When the hospital asked for volunteers in March 2020, understanding COVID-19 was only part of what is currently known and was knowledgeable about lung problems. She thought it was appropriate.
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“I’m one of many, not just me,” she said.
(Credit: CBS)
There is a shortage of nurses nationwide. People who have the hardest job of caring for the sick in a pandemic. They have experienced a shortage of PPE and staff. Through hope when the vaccine came out and disappointment when people refused to get the vaccine.
“Many sorrows, many sick people, many deaths, and unnecessarily at this point,” she said. “Now I’m emotionally exhausted.”
According to Combs, the vast majority of important COVID patients have been witnessing cancer patients for many years and are not just distrustful, they are also disbelievers.
“But when you know you’re doing good things for your patients, it’s difficult, but they’re yelling at you,” she said. “They tell you it’s not real. They say you’re a murderer.”
Some believe that hospitals make them sick.
“I can’t breathe,” she said. “Exactly because you have a COVID.” No, I don’t have a COVID, it’s not real. “I had these conversations with people. “
Second, hospitals, doctors and nurses are responsible.
“Is it created by someone else, created by the media or the government, or not? I have never experienced it … there are people who absolutely deny it until the moment they are no longer alive. . “
Not only the infected person, but also the family is angry. She has a pad near her loved one so they can communicate.
“We are under threat. On the phone, people yell at us. They are not good.”
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Their claims are extreme, including allegations of harm.
“We are the cause of them getting sick and dying. What we are causing this.”
A year ago, we talked to Combs early in the pandemic. People were still accustomed to how things were different, even in ICU.
(Credit: CBS)
“I walk in the room with this crazy rise, and they see me as I do, I’m from another planet, and I don’t blame them.” Combs said in November 2020. .. “I don’t care. It doesn’t care who you are, it doesn’t care what you believe in, it just takes over,” Combs added.
Does anyone regret not being vaccinated? Not many now. There was more in spring. Demographics have also changed. Admission to unvaccinated hospitals is getting younger. Minorities are lower than last year, and in the early days of the pandemic they often live in apartments, with some front-line workers hit hard.
Nurses have long dealt with the consequences of people’s bad choices. Some cancers, some liver diseases. The distrust she sees in cancer is not about the existence of the disease, but about getting sick.
“We don’t ask. Hey, did you get vaccinated? Why didn’t you get vaccinated? I don’t care. Whatever the reason you chose not to get vaccinated. I’m really sorry that you chose it, but it doesn’t affect how I intend to treat you as a patient and as a human being. “
However, false information began to ignite her.
“People who can’t understand and share information because they read it on the Internet provide it to the highest level staff who need to know better. To officials who should know better. Shame on you. “
Vaccination works. Vaccinated ICU people are not the most serious illness.
It all comes at a cost.
“I shed tears in the hospital. When the patient died, I shed tears at the bedside … I put them in a bag and said I’m sorry.”
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Combs says she continues to worry about the future if we get into the habit of trusting vaccines. She fears a harsh winter if people aren’t interested in flu shots.
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