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Gilead Reveals Patient HIV Concerns, Lawsuit Claims


Foster City Pharmaceutical Company Gilead Sciences In the news A new HIV drug letter was sent to the patient in an envelope revealing that there was a virus-related problem because of the possible coronavirus drug lemdesibir, and a new lawsuit seeking class action was filed. It is a lawsuit.

Two men in Alabama and Indiana said in a lawsuit that they are one of the hundreds of patients taking Gilead’s HIV treatments and prophylactics, and are enrolled in the company’s patient support program. It was. However, despite the program’s registration form saying “Confidentiality is most important to us,” Gilead in April sent four men and other members of the program a letter of envelopes in an envelope. The lawsuit was filed in the United States on Thursday, sending an envelope letter above the shipping address indicating the “HIV Prevention Team.” Argued by the San Francisco District Court.

“The word” HIV prevention team “has a larger font than the mailing address and has become more prominent in relation to the address,” claimed a legal allegation for class action status.

In a Friday statement, Gilead said he regretted sending the envelope with the “HIV prevention team” on his return address, causing concern.

“We understand that health issues are deep and personal to the people we serve, and consumer privacy is paramount,” the company said.

“We apologize to the affected individuals, but deny the allegations of the allegation and provide timely responses.”

The lawsuit is “extremely stigmatized” for those who are infected with HIV (viruses that infect HIV), as well as people at risk of HIV infection and patients who are taking drugs to prevent infection. confronting. Mr. Gilead said in a lawsuit: “Careful, reckless, and reckless confidential information related to HIV in patients prescribed Gilead drugs, such as family members, friends, roommates, landlords, neighbors, mailers, and complete strangers. He clarified it with caution. “

The Alabama plaintiffs “carefully refrain from disclosing his sexual orientation or sexual practices with others and have not disclosed his sexual orientation to his family,” the lawsuit alleged. .. The lawsuit said he had given the company his work address to prevent Gilead’s mail from reaching his home.

“There is a mail room at his workplace and he hires people to sort the mail. He was surprised to walk to the mail room and find an envelope with the” HIV prevention team “‘s return address. I did. ” “The envelope was accessible to anyone who came into the mail room.”

The Indiana plaintiffs were “extremely wary of his privacy,” the lawsuit alleged. “He is careful not to disclose his sexual orientation or sexual practices to anyone else. He made a clear point of view that he was interested in HIV prevention. When he received the team letter, he was horrified. (He) felt vulnerable and worried about who saw the email. “

Mr Gilead said he took action shortly after discovering that “the envelope templates typically used to communicate with health care professionals were inadvertently used by consumer mailers.” The company said it has begun a complete overhaul of its processes and training for employees and external vendors.

In the lawsuit, a $ 17 million settlement paid by insurer Aetna sent a letter that over 12,000 insureds who were taking HIV drugs could partially read from the envelope window in 2017. I quote that. It also refers to the $ 4.4 million settlement CVS paid for a letter showing “HIV” through an envelope window sent to 6,000 people in 2017.


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