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Health Issues: Do I Need a Flu Vaccination? | Local

Health Issues: Do I Need a Flu Vaccination? | Local


As the pandemic progresses and the dangerous delta variants continue to be in the limelight, many are asking, “What about the flu season?” Last year, the flu season was essentially non-existent. Without universal infection control measures such as masking, the flu season can be different this fall and winter. Here are some important answers to many people’s questions about getting a flu shot this year to reduce the chance of a “cold.”

Why is it important to get an annual flu shot?

Influenza, or influenza, is a seasonal upper respiratory tract infection that usually begins affecting people in late November and peaks in mid-February. The flu can cause a variety of symptoms, including fever, headache, chills, sneezing, coughing, upset stomach, sore throat, and sore throat. To reduce the number of influenza infections, medical professionals are usually advised to get a flu shot or flu vaccine annually in the fall before the peak winter season.

Influenza vaccination prevents millions of flu-related illnesses, lost time and productivity, and medical visits each year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), adult influenza vaccination reduces the risk of being admitted to the Influenza Intensive Care Unit (ICU) by 82%.

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Influenza is less prevalent in the current COVID-19 pandemic, but we don’t know what the flu season will be this year. In particular, the use of infection prevention measures in the community, such as masking, is decreasing. Immunization is important to stay healthy and prevent unnecessary medical visits and tests when resources are already limited.

Why do I need to get a flu shot every year?

Influenza viruses mutate and change frequently and require annually renewed immunization to ensure protection from the most prevalent strains during the season. Even if immunization is no longer exactly the same as the strain that is prevalent that year, it will help cover new strains of influenza and prevent future infections.

Who should be vaccinated against the flu?

Everyone over the age of 6 months should be vaccinated against the flu every year. There are few exceptions to this recommendation. High-dose flu shots are also recommended for people at high risk and those over the age of 65.

Should my child be vaccinated against the flu?

Yes, there is a particular risk of upper respiratory tract infections, as children are often around many other children in school and group activities. Vaccination against the flu can significantly reduce the incidence of the flu epidemic and serious symptoms and help prevent children from missing out on school and other activities. In addition, we have seen children become seriously ill due to double infection, such as children who fight RSV (another respiratory virus) and COVID-19 at the same time.

Do I need to be vaccinated against influenza if I have been vaccinated with COVID-19?

Yes, they are two very different viruses, so the immune system needs to produce different antibodies against each of them. The COVID-19 vaccine does not prevent influenza, and influenza vaccination does not prevent COVID-19. Currently, our clinic is vaccinated against COVID-19 and influenza at the same time. This has been approved and I have never personally heard of anyone experiencing serious side effects due to having both at the same time.

Can I get the flu from a flu shot?

Some people experience mild symptoms such as body pain and fever after being vaccinated against the flu, but this is simply a reaction to the immune system that acts to produce antibodies to the virus. Influenza vaccination does not include the actual live or infectious influenza virus, so it will not be transmitted.

Where can I get a flu shot?

You can get a flu shot at almost every pharmacy and clinic in town. In most cases, you can enter and accomplish it without a reservation, and most insurance plans fully cover the cost of flu shots. There are also many sponsored events that you can go to for influenza vaccinations throughout the community and school.

Dr. Robert Johnson is a family care provider at St. Peter’s Health and a board-certified member of the US Family Medicine Commission.





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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