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The number of UK Covid cases has skyrocketed, but is now declining sharply


Physicians will monitor Covid-19 patients in the Covid-19 intensive care unit of a regional hospital in Germany on April 28, 2021.

Ronnie Hartmann | AFP | Getty Images

London — The United Kingdom has the enviable title of being one of the worst Covid-19 infection rates in the world, and the number of cases has skyrocketed in recent months.

But that fate seems to be changing.

In less than a month, the UK recorded 40,000 to 50,000 new cases daily, prompting disastrous warnings from experts and authorities about increasing pressure on hospitals and excessive deaths.

October 20, British Minister of Health Sajid Javid Warned that as winter progresses, Covid cases can still reach 100,000 per day Doctors said the National Health Service was at stake and staff were exhausted and overkill.

To make matters worse, public health experts warned that they are monitoring mutations in already infectious delta variants that could make Covid even more toxic.

However, the latest UK data show that the UK may be recovering from the latest wave of cases, experts say the UK will have the highest number of new Covid cases each week in 2021. It is said that it has decreased.

The biggest weekly drop of the year

This represents an 18% decrease from 88,592 new daily cases last week, adding that cases have declined sharply among most age groups.

“Daily new cases continue to show a sharp decline in the number of cases aged 0-18 years. This is the driving group behind both the initial increase and the recent overall decline in the overall number of cases. The number of cases aged 20-29 is still increasing, but the number of cases is beginning to decrease in the age group of 35-55. Cases aged 55 and over are flat. “

Professor Tim Specter, chief scientist for ZOE COVID research, said the data are positive, but the outlook needs to be kept. He also urged qualified civilians to accept the provision of booster shots, which experts believe have helped reduce the UK case rate.

“This decrease in the number of cases is the largest weekly decrease we have seen throughout the year and is caused by the persistent decrease in the number of cases in children over the last two weeks. The numbers are still high and, worryingly, we are still looking. High mortality rates as Covid occupies up to 8% of hospital beds. “

Specter says that as we head into the colder months, “we see many illnesses in the population with a cold epidemic and still high levels of covid,” and given that, it’s hard to tell the difference between the two. Both have similar symptoms (cases in vaccinated people tend to be mild, including cold-like sneezing, headaches, and runny nose).

A glorious spot in Europe?

For most of the pandemics, the United Kingdom is the dark spot in Europe’s pandemics, with 142,533 deaths to date and the eighth highest number of Covid deaths in the world. Government data show.

The UK has also recorded more than 9.4 million cases of Covid so far, bearing the brunt of two strong waves of pandemics behind the Alpha and Delta variants.

The UK’s bold approval and deployment of the Covid vaccine received praise (one of the first countries in the world to deploy the vaccine in December 2020), but this summer the impetus for immunization It has slowed and lags behind many of its neighbors. Continent. To date, 79.8% of the UK population over the age of 12 has been fully vaccinated.

In the neighboring Netherlands, the Pandemic Advisory Board recommended imposing the first partial blockade in Western Europe since the summer and pressured the Dutch government to take action to curb the surge in the Covid case. The government under the interim Prime Minister Mark Rutte will decide what action to take on Friday.

read more: WHO warns that Europe is once again at the epicenter of the Covid pandemic

In the warm climates of Italy and Spain, cases are beginning to increase, but levels are low and officials in both countries are anxious to stop another wave of infection as winter approaches.





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