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An additional 23 died of COVID-19 in 2 days BC, as 992 new cases were identified.

An additional 23 died of COVID-19 in 2 days BC, as 992 new cases were identified.


On Friday, British Columbia health officials announced 992 new cases of COVID-19 and an additional 23 deaths in two days.

In a written statement, the state government stated that there are currently 4,265 active cases of people infected with the new coronavirus in British Columbia.

A total of 384 people are hospitalized and 124 are in the intensive care unit.

Overall hospitalization usually lags behind spikes and dips in new cases, down about 13 percent from last Friday when 441 people were hospitalized for the disease.

The number of patients in the intensive care unit has decreased by about 3% from 129 a week ago.

The state’s death toll from COVID-19 is 2,257 of the 211,750 cases identified so far. The 34 deaths recorded in the last three days are the highest three-day total in the state since mid-January.

The breakdown of the regions is as follows.

  • Fraser Health’s 308 new cases have a total of 1,575 active cases.
  • There are 263 new cases of Interior Health, a total of 862 active cases.
  • There are 166 new cases in Northern Health, for a total of 645 active cases.
  • Island Health has 138 new cases, for a total of 614 active cases.
  • There are 117 new cases at Vancouver Coastal Health, for a total of 510 active cases.
  • There are no new cases among people living outside Canada, a group with a total of 59 active cases.

There are a total of 25 active outbreaks in Assisted Living, long-term and acute care facilities.

The state has declared outbreaks at GR Baker Memorial Hospital and three life support facilities, and announced two new outbreaks at Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Royal Inland Hospital.

Occurrences of aggressive acute care include:

  • Mission Memorial Hospital
  • Queen’s Park Care Center
  • Abbotsford Regional Hospital
  • Burnaby Hospital
  • Royal Inland Hospital
  • Barkley Valley District Hospital
  • Nanaimo Regional General Hospital

As of Friday, 90.6% of people over the age of 12 in British Columbia received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, with a second dose of 86.5%.

According to the state, from November 4th to 10th, completely unvaccinated people accounted for 61.0% of cases, and from October 28th to November 10th, they accounted for 68.9% of hospitalizations.

To date, 8.42 million COVID-19 vaccines have been administered, including a second dose of just over 4 million.

Health Canada Approves Moderna as Booster Shot

Federal Regulatory Authority Canada Health Canada approved Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine for use as a booster for people over the age of 18 on Friday.

Will come a few days After Pfizer vaccination Also approved for use in booster shots.

BC has already begun a third dose to groups at high risk for coronavirus, including long-term care residents with immunodeficiency, indigenous people over 12 years of age, and the elderly over 70 years of age.

State Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said it could be a third dose Provides longer lasting protection Potentially lasts for years from the virus that causes COVID-19.

Booster doses are expected to be widely available to state residents by May 2022.

Health Canada also said on Friday that a decision on the use of Pfizer in children aged 5 to 11 should come. “In the next week or two”..

“Children under the age of 12 maintain the highest incidence in all age groups,” Teresatam, chief public health officer, said in a media briefing.




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