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The Science Museum holds vaccination clinics for children while teaching them about the virus


Between the IMAX Theater and the planetarium at the Science Museum is a row of tables and chairs that are usually filled with museum patrons waiting for the show. But on Saturday people arrived for another reason. Children aged 5 to 11 were there to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Elizabeth Taglauer was with her daughter Alana, who dressed like Wonder Woman. Taglauer says the day couldn’t come soon.

“Today is a special day. I’m a doctor. I’m studying COVID. It makes a lot of sense to take my daughter here and fight this horrific virus,” Taglauer said in tears. ..

Alana was one of the hundreds of children who applied for an appointment on Saturday.

Museum President Tim Ritchie said establishing a clinic in the museum is not only about empowerment but also about strategy.

“Young people, especially kids, don’t like shots,” Ritchie said. We can bring it to the Science Museum and celebrate them there, something different from the clinical experience, but we want to be a festive experience about their active leadership. “

The clinic itself feels like a birthday party. There are balloons, art stations and stuffed animals all the way to where the kids receive their shots. When the children are vaccinated, they wait in the observation area next to the museum’s music stairs.

The Vaccine Clinic will be set up this weekend between the IMAX Theater and the planetarium in the Science Museum.  (Amanda Beeland / WBUR)
The Vaccine Clinic will be set up this weekend between the IMAX Theater and the planetarium in the Science Museum. (Amanda Beeland / WBUR)

Brothers Christopher and Kelan Rockhart took a shot together. They both said they would do it again.

“I didn’t think it was as painful as a flu shot, so to be honest, I was able to do this five times a year,” said Christopher Lockhart.

“It felt like a bit of pressure, and then it was over, so it wasn’t too bad,” said Kelan Rockhart.

Their mother, Emily, said she was relieved that it was over.

“We feel we can do so much now, and we hope more people will be vaccinated to get out of this pandemic,” she said. ..

Tyrannosaurus wears masks and cloaks outside the Science Museum to encourage families to vaccinate.  (Amanda Beeland / WBUR)
Tyrannosaurus wears masks and cloaks outside the Science Museum to encourage families to vaccinate. (Amanda Beeland / WBUR)

Arlene Koellner feels the same way. She brought her sons Walter and Marty and vaccinated them. She said it was emotional for her to see them take their shots.

“I’m starting to get a little overwhelmed. After having to give up over the last few years, I finally shed tears — just this kind of peace of mind and how many to make this comfortable for the kids. I saw if the people of [it] I was really impressed, “Kellner said.

Kevin Turner, Chief Operating Officer of Cataldo Ambulance, said he had heard such relief from many parents. The company has been running a vaccine clinic for almost a year and there are no signs of a slowdown.

“What surprised me was that I thought it would be completed by September and October, but I’m still going … I’m booking a pediatric clinic until January. It’s been a long time. rice field.”

“Today is a special day. I’m a doctor. I’m studying COVID. It makes a lot of sense to take my daughter here and fight this terrifying virus.”

Elizabeth Taglauer

Jennifer Le Blond walks past the museum’s music stairs with her just-vaccinated five-year-old son Hayden. Hayden is shy, but Jennifer fills the void for him.

“Now we say Hayden has acquired his psychic powers, so we are very proud of him,” said Le Blonde.

The Museum of Science’s Saturday and Sunday clinics are full, and the clinics scheduled for next weekend are nearly full. The other is scheduled for December 4th and 5th. For more information on the clinic, please see December 4th and 5th. Website.. When you make a reservation, you will receive 2 hours of free parking and 2 passes to the museum. The museum also immunizes adults based on availability.All appointments can be done in the state vaxfinder website..




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