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Maine reports 799 new COVID-19 cases and 10 more deaths


Main health officials reported 799 new cases of COVID-19 over the two days on Saturday, killing an additional 10 people.

The new case was not updated on Friday because Thursday was a federal and state holiday.

The average daily case for 7 days has gradually increased over the last few weeks to over 500 new cases. Maine infection rates have been above national averages for several weeks as the virus spreads to parts of low-vaccinated states.

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Maine show that there have been 111,145 confirmed or estimated cases of COVID-19 in Maine since the outbreak of the pandemic, killing 1,230 infected people.

Hospitalization is declining nationwide, but in Maine Reached a record high The number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 on Friday – 248 – exceeded the previous high of 235 set on September 25. As of Friday, 72 COVID patients were on critical care and 31 were on mechanical ventilation.

Hospitalizations declined slightly on Saturday, but still surpassed previous records. On Saturday, 240 people were hospitalized, including 69 on critical care and 36 on ventilator.

The majority of COVID patients in Maine hospitals are unvaccinated.

The pace of vaccination has accelerated in recent weeks. And this week, more school clinics are expected to begin vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 years.

Overall, Maine received a final dose of 951,609, or 70.8 percent of all residents. Since the Pfizer vaccine became available last week, children aged 5 to 11 have received 8,742 initial doses and 64 final doses. This is more than double the number of vaccines given as of Wednesday, when the first 3,189 doses were given.

In addition to the final dose, Maine has 160,070 booster doses.

Dr. Nirav Shah, CDC Director of Maine, Said on wednesday The virus has spread primarily to unvaccinated people in rural areas, and residents have largely escaped the early waves of the pandemic. He said that since the vaccine became widely available last spring, unvaccinated people accounted for 86% of all COVID-19 cases, and 99% of vaccinated people did not have the disease. Said.

Cooler and drier weather may also contribute to the current surge by helping the virus spread and forcing it to spend more time indoors, where the virus is more likely to spread, Shah said. be.

And it surged a few weeks before the holiday season officially began. This period led to a surge last winter, despite the low average daily number of cases and more widespread safety measures such as universal masking.

Dr. James Jarvis, COVID-19 Incident Commander of Northern Light Health, the parent organization of the Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor and Mercy Hospital in Portland, said Wednesday that the hospital took care of many COVID-19 patients from rural areas. He said he was. Main.

“If you’re not vigilant,” Jarvis said, “I’m facing a harsh winter,” by refusing to take public health precautions, such as wearing a mask indoors, without vaccination. Said.

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