Metro Denver Vaccine Obligation to Cover Large Indoor Events
![Metro Denver Vaccine Obligation to Cover Large Indoor Events Metro Denver Vaccine Obligation to Cover Large Indoor Events](
People attending large-scale indoor events in Denver’s six metro counties during the holiday season will need to present evidence of COVID-19 vaccination under the new state public health order issued on Sunday. there is. Virus surge The whole of Colorado.
More than 500 unoccupied indoor events in Denver, Bloomfield, Adams, Arapaho, Boulder, and Jefferson counties have been fully vaccinated with COVID-19 since 19 November. You need to prove it. Amended public health order Released by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
The Public Health Order lists “concerts, receptions, bars, dancehalls, auctions” as examples of large unseat events.
Venue venues that already need to show patrons evidence of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test can continue to use the test option until December 1. After that, all participants must prove that they have been vaccinated in accordance with public health orders.
Vaccine requirements are valid until 31 December, as ordered.
The move comes when the condition is facing the possibility Shortage of hospital beds by the end of December If the current COVID-19 hospitalization rate continues. By January 1, the state predicts that more than 2,200 people will be hospitalized for the virus and, in combination with other non-COVID patients, may occupy all available beds in the state.
Governor Jared Polis, who has previously refused to renew mask mandates across the state, previously said that large-scale vaccine mandates could help slow the spread of the virus. A spokesman for his office did not immediately return a request for comment on Sunday.
Last week, state public health officials launched a “crisis standard” to control hospital staffing and began discussing how to provide ration care when it is needed.
“A tense hospital system is evidence that we all need to play our part in helping slow the spread of the virus within our community,” said Nancy, Chairman of the Arapaho County Commission. Jackson said in a news release on Sunday.
According to a news release, Metro County worked with state health agencies to coordinate new vaccine obligations. Douglas County, which recently left the Tri-County Health Department to establish its own public health agency, is not included in the vaccine order.
Mandates do not apply to churches or places of worship. To be considered a seated event for vaccination purposes, 100% of participants must be seated in accordance with public health orders. The venue may also apply for an exception to the vaccine obligation if it indicates that other equivalent mitigation measures are being implemented in accordance with the order.
As of Sunday night, Colorado showed the third highest incidence of new COVID-19 cases compared to the country’s population, after Minnesota and the deteriorating New Mexico. New York Times virus tracker..
On Friday, the latest data available, 1,476 people with confirmed COVID-19 were hospitalized throughout Colorado. This is a level not seen since December 13th. At the worst of last year, 1,847 people were hospitalized for the virus.
according to State data, 81% of people currently hospitalized with COVID-19 are not vaccinated.
On Friday, 94% of the beds in the state intensive care unit were occupied and only 90 were available. But that was an improvement from the worst point where only 72 ICU beds were available last week.
Vaccine obligations apply only to the six designated city and county events, but the Sunday amended public health order enforces indoor public event obligations in all jurisdictions and venues. “Highly recommended”. Vaccine requirements have already been set for many large venues, including seating facilities such as the Boulder Theater and the Ball Arena in Denver.
A representative of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment said no one could discuss the order on Sunday.
Updated at 6:25 pm on November 14, 2021 Due to an editorial mistake, the original headline for this story incorrectly listed the type of event subject to the new mandate. Applies to events that are not seated.
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