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UK Covid Booster Jab Policy: What has changed? | Coronavirus

UK Covid Booster Jab Policy: What has changed? | Coronavirus


What was announced?

Previously, Covid Booster Jab was only offered to adults over the age of 50 and adults in the at-risk group.This is now Expansion Boris Johnson states that the concept of what constitutes “complete vaccination” needs to be adjusted to include all adults between the ages of 40 and 49. This third jab is given more than 6 months after the second dose.

The Scottish government said it would invite people aged 40-49 to receive boosters once they were provided to all of their former priority groups, but would be able to book “soon” from the NHS portal. They were also considering how best to implement advice between the ages of 16 and 17. The Welsh government has also said it will soon provide information on plans to deploy the vaccine to these groups, with Northern Ireland expected to follow suit. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) also advises on a second dose of Covid. The 19 vaccine should be provided to all 16 and 17 year olds who have been vaccinated for at least 12 weeks. Previously, only people in the at-risk group were eligible for a second dose. Other teenagers had to wait until they were 18 years old.

Why now?

Primarily, it helps maintain a high level of protection against hospitalization, severe illness, or death from Covid-19 this winter and reduces pressure on the NHS in the coming months.recently data The United Kingdom and elsewhere have shown that the level of protection against severe Covid-19 is slightly reduced between adults who received the first two doses some time ago.

According to JCVI, the decision to advise on a second dose for ages 16-17 was based on a review of the latest evidence on the benefits of the vaccine program compared to the risk of side effects. A second dose not only increases the level of protection and prolongs the duration of protection, but may also reduce the risk of infection to vulnerable close contact, such as grandparents.

How much additional protection does the booster provide?

Newly published data At the suggestion of the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), British people over the age of 50 who received a third booster of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine were infected with the symptomatic Covid-19 infection of a person who had previously received it. Increased defense level against 93.1%. AstraZeneca vaccine is given twice, and 94.0% of people who have previously been vaccinated with Pfizer jab.

More than 20 weeks after receiving the first two doses, the level of protection for those who did not receive booster immunization was 87.4% for those who received the AstraZeneca vaccine and 84.4% for those who received Pfizerjab. bottom.

“This is the first real proof of the effectiveness of boosters in the UK environment,” said Paul Hunter, a professor of medicine at the University of East Anglia. “This is probably even more impressive given that a significant proportion of people who haven’t received boosters have been infected and are now receiving additional protection. This report is also about someone’s first course. Whether you had AstraZeneca or Pfizer as a booster, you can rest assured that the booster will provide the same great protection. “

It is premature to say what the impact of boosters will be on hospitalization due to the natural delay between acquiring an infection and experiencing complications.

When can I make a reservation?

According to the NHS England, the national booking system will be open to people aged 40-49 from November 22nd, with a third jab for those who took a second dose at least 152 days (5 months) ago. You can make a reservation. It is given for at least 182 days (6 months) after the second dose.

If you are 16 to 17 years old, you can use the second jab reservation service from November 22nd. Reservations are available no later than 12 weeks after the first jab.

Is it the same as the first vaccine I received?

necessarily. JCVI advises that adult booster jabs over the age of 40 must be either Pfizer or Moderna, regardless of the first or second vaccination.

For 16 and 17 years old, the second dose will be a Pfizer vaccine. This is the only vaccine currently approved for this age group in the United Kingdom.

How long does it take for additional protection to begin?

In a UKHSA study, the level of protection 5-6 days after booster was similar to that seen in individuals who received two first doses but did not receive booster. Although it is unclear exactly when additional protection from the third jab will begin, the higher levels of protection observed in this study were recorded 14 days after the jab. It is unclear how long this additional protection will last, but it is possible that the protection will increase over time. It is also unclear if and when additional booster immunization will be needed in the future.

Will young teens and adults also be offered a second jab or booster?

According to JCVI, there is currently no conclusive evidence that patients under the age of 40 who received both vaccines have reduced protection against hospitalization and death. However, these individuals are at lower risk of serious illness and may take longer to detect reduced protection because the first two doses are delayed compared to the elderly.

Vaccination 12 to 15 years old It is in progress and some have not yet received the first dose. However, many scientists believe that a second vaccination should eventually be offered. JCVI said it will continue to scrutinize all available data to develop further advice.

What if I have recently been infected with Covid-19?

The NHS advises adults to wait four weeks after a positive Covid-19 test before booking a booster.

For 16 and 17 years, the second vaccination should be given at least 12 weeks after the first vaccination or 12 weeks after a positive Covid-19 test, whichever comes later.




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