Influenza passes through the University of Michigan and brings the CDC to campus
Ann Arbor, Michigan — Influenza Since October 6, 528 cases have been diagnosed by the University Health Service.
The outbreak was very sudden and massive, drawing the attention of federal health leaders as 313 cases were identified in the week of November 8 alone, with 37% of positive influenza tests that week.
A team of researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will meet on campus this week to learn more about the virus epidemic and the effectiveness of this year’s flu vaccine.
Of those who got the flu in UM this fall, 77% were not vaccinated against the flu. Lindsey Mortenson, UHS’s medical director and deputy executive director, said these cases were identified as influenza A (H3N2).
Juan Luis Marquez, Medical Director of Washtenaw County Health Department, said: “We are grateful for the additional support of the CDC and our ongoing partnership with the university as we take a closer look at the situation.”
The work will be led by the local health department and will be joined by teams from the Michigan State Health and Welfare Department, the University and the CDC.
If public health authorities request assistance from the CDC on urgent public health issues such as outbreaks, unexplained illnesses, natural or man-made disasters, the Epi-Aid team will provide short-term assistance. It will be used.
Hear from an expert:Is it safe to get the flu shot and the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time?
At Ann Arbor, the team will collect samples from patients at the University Health Service, provide data analysis, and conduct questionnaires to assess influenza vaccine intake and risk factors for vaccine efficacy and spread.
Health leaders are worried about the timing of the increase in cases in Ann Arbor, as many students plan to travel immediately for Thanksgiving breaks. They are calling on as many people as possible to get the flu vaccine.
“If you haven’t been vaccinated against seasonal flu, I highly recommend doing so,” Marquez said. “And those at high risk of severe flu complications should consult their doctor about prescribing antiviral drugs when they see the first signs of flu symptoms.”
Influenza vaccine:Over 40% of Americans may not be vaccinated against the flu this year, which can cause problems during COVID-19
Compared to the same period in 2020, the number of influenza vaccinated Missiganders has decreased this year. As of November 6th Reported by the State Health Department To date, 2.01 million people have been vaccinated against influenza throughout the state, covering about 20% of the population. By comparison, as of November 6, 2020, 3.14 million doses were given, covering about 31% of the population.
Washtenaw County has a higher influenza vaccination rate this year than the entire state. There, about 31% of the population are vaccinated against the flu this season. According to the state data..
People who have been vaccinated against the flu can help protect those around them, including those who are susceptible to serious flu illnesses, such as infants, the elderly, and those with certain chronic health conditions.
Last year there was little or no influenza activity.Health officials are concerned this year Possibility of twin demics Both coronavirus and flu can surge and cause a large wave of illness.
Follow Kristen Jordan Shamus on Twitter: @kristenshamus..
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