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Females with long COVIDs may need rehabilitation to improve physical activity

Females with long COVIDs may need rehabilitation to improve physical activity


November 16, 2021

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Women with long COVIDs may experience post-exercise heart rate irregularities, limiting exercise tolerance and free-living physical activity, according to a study published in. Experimental physiology..

Because women have a higher prevalence of age-related disabilities than men, these findings indicate the need for a targeted rehabilitation program to manage persistent heart and lung problems in women. is showing. Long COVID, The researcher said.

“In the spring of 2020, as at other universities, our normal research activities, including exercise training and postmenopausal women, were temporarily suspended during the pandemic,” the author said. Stephen J. Carter, MS, PhD, An assistant professor of exercise at Indiana University’s School of Public Health, Bloomington, told Healio.

Stephen J. Carter

“Our laboratory has a history of studying the acute and chronic effects of women’s exercise, so we thought it would be wise to pivot our research efforts accordingly. Women underestimated in clinical practice. I felt this was particularly important given that it has been done, and therefore provides a unique opportunity to investigate the effects of SARS-CoV-2 on cardiopulmonary health, “Carter said. I am saying.

The researchers recruited 45 females for a case-control study. 29 women (54 years old), according to researchers ± ± 10 years; BMI, 25.6 ± ± 5.4 kg / m2) Was positive in the clinical test for mild to moderate SARS-CoV-2 infection 4 weeks before enrollment in the study or earlier, but the control group included 16 females (58 years). Was there. ± ± 11 years; BMI, 26.7 ± ± 4.8 kg / m2) People who have never tested positive.

In addition, 17 of the 29 positive participants experienced coughing and shortness of breath. Malaise, Joint or muscle pain, dermatitis or hair loss, or loss of taste or smell. Prior to enrolling in the study, one participant was hospitalized for less than 24 hours at the onset of the disease due to chest and neck pain and / or pressure.

Each participant completed a respiratory function test before and after the 6-minute gait test. They also evaluated the perceived movement using a 100 mm visual analog scale ranging from “no movement” to “maximum movement”.

Participants with a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection had reduced total vital capacity (84%) ± ± 8% vs 93% ± ± 13%; NS = .006), vital capacity (87%) ± ± 10% vs 93% ± ± Ten%; NS = .04), functional remaining capacity (75%) ± ± 16% vs 88% ± ± 16%; NS = .006) and residual amount (76%) ± ± 18% vs 93% ± ± twenty two%; NS = .001) Compare with control.

There was no difference in walking distance or perceived movement between groups, but infected participants found that their increase in heart rate diminished (+52). ± ± 20bpm vs +65 ± ± 18 bpm; NS = .029) Compare with control. SARS-CoV-2 participants also had a 1-5 minute delay in heart rate decline during a 5-minute standing recovery after walking (5 minutes post-walking recovery).NS <.05).

“Especially the cohort of women recovering from COVID-19 met the criteria for severity of mild to moderate symptoms based on the characteristics of the early illness, so the heart rate for a standard 6-minute gait test. I was surprised to see the number of reactions and abnormal recovery, “Carter said.

Participants who actively experienced shortness of breath, joint or muscle pain during the test are expected compared to both those who were positive on the control and test but did not experience such symptoms6 The percentage of walking test distances per minute has been reduced.

In addition, researchers found an association between more abnormal heart rate responses, increased days of shortness of breath at the onset of illness, and decreased gas exchange capacity in the lungs.

“Given that, on average, three months after a participant was first infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, a particular individual may have experienced disability after diagnosis. The findings were amazing, and these disorders can act as a barrier to exercise tolerance and / or physical activity in free life, “Carter said.

By collating the control and groups based on age and BMI, they were more confident that their findings could be due to longer COVIDs rather than the fundamental differences associated with aging or obesity. The researchers said.

“Based on our work, it’s important for doctors not to downplay what patients may be experiencing,” Carter said. “Repeat, participants showed mild to moderate SARS-CoV-2 symptoms, but apparent irregularities that could impair pre-COVID levels of exercise and ability to return to physical activity. Doctors need to pay attention to such things and record how the patient is recovering over time. ”

Researchers noted recent reports suggesting that women may be more susceptible to lung-related restrictions months after recovery from SARS-CoV-2 infection. For example, the Mayo Clinic minutes show that females outperform men by 3: 1 when seeking treatment for persistent COVID-19 symptoms.

“Our findings suggest that targeted rehabilitation programs may be particularly useful for women and other groups with persistent symptoms,” Carter said. “Future controlled trials will test the feasibility and effectiveness of specific interventions to promote physical recovery and minimize susceptibility to deterioration of the patient’s physical condition with potential recovery. Should be focused on. ”


Baranauscus MN Exp Physiol.. 2021; Doi: 10.1113 / EP089965..




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