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How much do Californians need to lie for booster shots?

How much do Californians need to lie for booster shots?


You are healthy, under 65, living in California and wanting a COVID-19 booster. So why do you still need to fib to schedule one?

California’s Supreme Health Authority last week told healthcare providers that adults wishing to receive a third dose to fortify the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine should not be rejected, making it the most popular dose for the elderly. We have effectively abandoned federal eligibility standards that limit additional doses to recipients. High-risk people. It may change later in the week as federal regulators meet to consider this issue.

However, Governor Gavin Newsom visited a school in Kern County on Tuesday to urge vaccinated Californians to strengthen their weakened immunity and promote a broader definition of eligibility for the Golden State. Even states and other online shot schedulers are demanding that they meet more restrictive criteria.

Beth Ellen Stanley, who runs the COVID-19 Vaccine Help Facebook group in San Francisco, said he heard “many complaints” about it from people looking for a booster. Although booking sites operate on an honor system, many people are hesitant to tamper with their qualifications.

β€œIt’s very frustrating because most of the sites haven’t been updated since the change,” says Stanley. “People don’t want to be dishonest, but they also want boosters.”

Dr. California Public Health Director.Thomas J. Aragon Said in a November 9 notice to the local health jurisdiction The provider states that if you are 18 years of age or older and more than 6 months old since your last shot of Pfizer or Moderna, “you must not separate the patient requesting a booster.”

According to Aragon, adults who shot Johnson & Johnson once at least two months ago have a booster effect of about 8% nationwide, which is consistent with federal guidance.

However, state directives for the majority of Pfizer or Moderna vaccinated deviated from the standards of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At this point, CDC says Boosters should only be given to people over the age of 65 or 18 who are suffering from an underlying disorder such as cancer or diabetes, or who work or live in a high-risk environment, including long-term care facilities.

California According to the Vaccine Reservation Scheduler, boosters are “available” for people over the age of 18. However, after that, a booster seeker will be placed on the spot and asked if it is included in a “qualified group” that includes “residents of nursing homes” such as nursing homes and nursing homes, or if it is “high risk” for COVID-19. .. Exposure to complications or viruses due to their occupation or institutional setting. They also ask if they are “at increased risk of social inequality.”

State officials claim that almost everyone can claim to be at high risk β€” California is, after all, in the highest risk category of CDC viral infections. However, MyTurn only makes shots available to those who do not say they meet these risk groups are “not eligible at this time”, “specific age / risk factor groups” or “immunocompromised patients”. Is called. Members of Kaiser Permanente trying to get a third shot are instructed to schedule an E-visit and explain why it is needed.

On Tuesday, the California Public Health Service did not immediately respond to why MyTurn imposes eligibility categories that the state no longer supports.

Brendon Cassidy called it “no excuse” in a post to the Bay Area Vaccine Hunter’s Facebook group on Tuesday, saying it was a “terrible problem” for family and friends. “It was really painful,” said Rhita Ghose Williams, another member of the group.

The experience remains the same as for major healthcare providers and other vaccine booking schedulers in national pharmacies.

The Walgreens, Rite Aid, and CVS websites need to show that booster seekers meet the CDC criteria. Despite the growing eligibility of states and local governments, people gather indoors and the virus easily spreads on holidays, fearing a surge in winter infections. .. Colorado, New Mexico, Arkansas, and Santa Clara County and New York City have also relaxed booster qualifications for those who had shots of Pfizer and Modana.

However, Rite Aid and CVS have stated that while stores may expand the standards for COVID-19 boosters in some states, they must follow the CDC recommendations for stores to participate in the federal pharmacy program. increase.

The CDC and the Food and Drug Administration did not comment on Tuesday with states urging healthcare providers to ignore many of them and whether authorities would change it. Pfizer has asked the agency to approve all adult boosters. The CDC Advisory Board is expected to meet on Friday to consider recommending boosters for all adults.

In August, President Biden called on everyone to take a booster shot eight months after the last vaccination, citing evidence of weakened protection.

However, the move argues that most vaccinated people do not need boosters and may hinder efforts to vaccinate more people by suggesting that shots do not work well. Has elicited criticism from many health professionals. FDA and CDC expert advisers have recommended that those who have shots of Pfizer and Moderna need boosters only when they are at high risk, and have positioned institutions more or less employed.




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