Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes: Everything You Need to Know
Every year, more people are diagnosed with diabetes. Here’s what you need to know about diabetes treatment, costs, and health insurance:
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An estimated 1.2 million Australians suffer from diabetes, a condition that affects more people each year.
Of these cases, 10% are classified as type 1 diabetes, 8.5% are classified as type 2 diabetes (low rate of gestational diabetes), and the number of diagnoses in all three categories is increasing.
Some factors may increase your chances of getting diabetes, but everyone can be born with diabetes or develop diabetes.
There is no cure for type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but recognizing the complex and self-care methods that can affect the body avoids serious health and life expectancy. Is very important for.
Here’s what you need to know about diabetes treatment, related costs, and health insurance:
Does Private Health Insurance Cover Diabetes?
The simple answer is yes. Health insurance companies are not legally permitted to discriminate against people with diabetes or other chronic illnesses. They can force a period of waiting for an existing condition, but they cannot refuse to insure you because you are diabetic and will charge a higher premium than those without diabetes. I can not do it.
What are the diabetes medications, treatments and equipment covered by private health insurance?
When looking for health insurance that covers the costs associated with diabetes, make a list of the treatments and equipment you need or need. This may include blood glucose monitoring, flash glucose monitoring, insulin pumps, and / or continuous glucose monitoring.
In some situations, you may also need to be compensated for medical services by a qualified diabetes educator (CDE), dietitian, endocrinologist, podologist, ophthalmologist, counselor, physiologist, dentist, and other specialists. ..
Keep in mind that it is also worth checking if Medicare provides rebates for the referred treatments needed as a result of chronic illness.
How much does an uninsured diabetes drug cost?
according to Diabetes Report by AustraliaIn the absence of associated complications, the average medical cost for diabetics is approximately $ 4,000 per year. However, this can approach $ 10,000 or more for people with both microvascular and macrovascular complications.
What does diabetes do to the body?
People with diabetes are unable to maintain healthy levels of glucose in their blood. Glucose is a type of sugar that is converted into energy to power the human body. Insulin is a hormone that enables this conversion. In the case of diabetes, when you eat foods that contain glucose (fruits, cereals, bread, dairy products, candies, etc.), glucose is not converted into energy and the body does not produce enough insulin. .. This means that glucose stays in the blood and needs to be carefully monitored and managed.
What if my blood sugar is too high?
Serious health effects can result from too long blood sugar levels. Hyperglycemia can damage the blood vessels that supply blood to organs, increasing the risk of kidney disease, stroke, heart disease, vision, and nerve problems.
What is the difference between type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes?
Type 1 diabetes is one of the most common chronic childhood illnesses, but almost half of people are diagnosed after the age of 30. It is related to lifestyle factors that cannot be prevented or can be changed.
Type 1 diabetes is thought to be an autoimmune disease in which the immune system fundamentally destroys the cells of the pancreas that produce insulin. This is controlled by insulin injections or the use of insulin pumps several times a day. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is also essential to avoid diabetes-related complications.
Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body becomes resistant to the normal functioning of insulin and the pancreas gradually becomes unable to produce enough insulin. It may be related to genetic predisposition and modifiable lifestyle factors.
Although not curable, people with type 2 diabetes can slow their progression or enter diabetic remission through a healthy diet and exercise. In addition to a healthy lifestyle and weight loss, oral medications and insulin injections may be required to manage type 2 diabetes.
Try to find a cheaper health insurance
What do you need to know about insulin pumps?
If you need an insulin pump, a portable device that is worn and continuously delivers insulin to your body, private health insurance can cover costs under hospital or general treatment policies.
If you find yourself in a hospital and need an insulin pump, your insurance company can help with the cost of the pump in addition to the cost of hospital accommodation and doctors. In some situations, you may not be able to stay in the hospital while you need the pump, and it is up to your individual insurance company and policy to get compensation. The waiting period can also affect your eligibility. In addition, prior approval may be required for insulin pumps to receive a refund.
If the insulin pump needs to be replaced or repaired, the insurance company can only reimburse a portion of the cost after owning it for a specified period of time.
For children under the age of 18, the Australian Government’s insulin pump program provides subsidies in addition to continuous glucose monitoring under the age of 21.
There is Gold Tier We encourage you to search for a fund that adequately covers your needs, as there is a policy that allows you to charge for insulin pumps.
Related: Can private health insurance tax be deducted?
Related: Natural remedies covered by private health insurance
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