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Antibiotic resistance can be the next “hidden pandemic”: British experts

Antibiotic resistance can be the next “hidden pandemic”: British experts


Rodolfo Parlan Junior | Moment | Getty Images

The London-coronavirus pandemic attracted worldwide attention in early 2020 and hasn’t been let go since then, but British experts say that an antibiotic-resistant infection, often referred to as a “hidden pandemic,” follows. Warns that it should be a major concern for.

According to the UK Health Security Agency, one in five UK people infected with bloodstream in 2020 will be antibiotic-resistant, even after the number of antibiotic-resistant infections recorded in 2019 has declined. bottom.

Now, as winter approaches and slowly emerges from the global Covid-19 outbreak, there are concerns that antibiotic resistance may increase again.

“Antibacterial resistance is described as a hidden pandemic, and it’s important not to get out of Covid-19 and fall into another crisis,” said Dr. Susan Hopkins, UKHSA’s chief medical adviser, on Wednesday.

“Restrictions on the enhancement, prevention and control of infections by Covid-19 in 2020 may have helped reduce antibiotic resistance and prescribing. These measures were harsh but serious antibiotics. Substance-resistant infections can reoccur. Do not act responsibly. It is as easy as regular and thorough hand washing. “

Antibiotics are essential in the treatment of bacterial infections that cause pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis, and modern medicine protects against infections during common medical interventions such as chemotherapy, royal incision, and other surgeries. Therefore, they often depend on antibiotics.

However, the problem is when antibiotics are often prescribed to treat cough, ear pain, and sore throat and have little or no effect.

To make matters worse, antibiotic resistance develops when prescribed when antibiotics are effective or not needed. It occurs when bacteria stop responding to antibiotics and can cause serious complications such as bloodstream infections and hospitalization.

Hidden pandemic

Experts have warned for years that antibiotic resistance can be one of the greatest threats to humankind. The World Health Organization describes it as “one of the greatest threats to the world’s health, food security and development today.”

UKSHA’s Hopkins added that taking antibiotics when they aren’t needed will only put you and your loved ones at greater risk in the future.

“It’s important to remember that as we head into winter, as the amount of circulating respiratory infections increases, many cold-like symptoms do not require antibiotics. When we feel sick. Please stay home, “she said.

During the Covid pandemic, antibiotic-resistant bloodstream infections were reduced. New data released by UKHSA on Wednesday showed that such infections decreased from 65,583 in 2019 to 55,384 last year.

This is the first time that such infections have declined since 2016, but they are still at higher levels than they were six years ago.

The UKHSA said in a statement Wednesday that “mainly due to a decrease in overall recorded bloodstream, which may be due to reduced social mix, enhanced hand hygiene, and changes in access to and delivery of health care.” Stated.

Nonetheless, an analysis of the most commonly causing bloodstream infections, including E. coli, shows that antibiotic-resistant infections, although the total number of bloodstream infections decreased in 2020 compared to 2016. Revealed that the overall rate of illness increased in the same time frame, the agency added.

According to the UKHSA, one in five people infected in 2020 will have antibiotic-resistant bacteria, so the data show that “resistant infections are likely to increase in the post-pandemic years and continued behavior. Suggests that it is necessary. “





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