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Pampers® has partnered with the Canadian Premature Babies Foundation to provide mental health support to the NICU family

Pampers® has partnered with the Canadian Premature Babies Foundation to provide mental health support to the NICU family


Pampers® has partnered with the Canadian Premature Babies Foundation (CPBF) to commemorate World Prematurity Day and Preterm Birth Month in November, providing mental health resources to families who have been in the NICU for up to three years after being discharged from the NICU. Is provided. .. From November to December, each time you use the #PampersForPreemies hashtag, Pampers® will donate to CPBF’s Mental Health Initiative, Parent Care. This donation supports up to 100 families worldwide, as Pampers knows that supporting parents and their mental health has a direct impact on their babies. Canada In 2022.

Alex has a premature baby born at 31 weeks and understands that this experience can have a negative impact on mental health. “It was very difficult to be alone in the NICU. I felt lost, guilty, regretful and distressed about how our baby came out,” Alex said. “Thankfully, CPBF provided support through the Parent Care program, a family mental health initiative, to help us overcome difficult times.” Alex, along with the other three families, above. I shared her story in a video of the campaign that you can watch at.

“We directly know how traumatic, exhausting and frightening it is to have a baby in the NICU,” said CPBF Managing Director. Fabiana Baccini.. “COVID-19 has canceled all in-unit support groups and programs nationwide, and CPBF is now offering free online treatment sessions for families currently in the NICU or recently discharged families. Now Pampers. With donations from ®, we can continue to provide support to more than 100 families around the world Canada In 2022. “

Pampers® has partnered with the Canadian Premature Babies Foundation (CPBF) to provide mental health resources to families of premature babies.from November 17, 2021 0:00 AM ET NS December 31, 2021 11:59 PM ET For every use of the #PampersForPreemies hashtag, Pampers® will donate 40 cents Up to Parent Care, CPBF’s Mental Health Initiative $ 40,000..In addition, for all Pampers® Swaddlers diaper packs sold at Walmart Canada stores. November 17, 2021 NS December 17, 2021, Pampers® make additional donations 40 cents To CPBF to fund treatment sessions for families of premature babies.

“Recent studies have shown that 40-50% of NICU parents show signs of postpartum depression and other mental health conditions.3,” Said Proctor And Gambling Brand Director, Page Baumgartner.. “Pampers is proud to work closely with CPBF to support initiatives that help babies and their families when they need them most.”

For more information, please visit: When

About Pampers®
For over 50 years, parents have relied on Pampers® to take care of their babies. Pampers® is part of The Procter & Gamble Company (NYSE: PG) and is the best-selling diaper in the world. Every day, more than 25 million babies wear Pampers® in 100 countries around the world. Pampers® offers a complete range of diapers, wipes and training pants designed to provide protection and comfort at every stage of your baby’s development.visit For more information on Pampers® products, join the Pampers® Rewards program to find ideas and information that will help you and your baby.

About Procter & Gamble
P & G is one of the strongest portfolios of trusted, high quality leadership brands worldwide, including Always®, AmbiPur®, Ariel®, Bounty®, Charmin®, Crest®, Dawn®, Downy®, Fairy® and Febreze. Serving Consumers®, Gain®, Gillette®, Head & Shoulders®, Lenor®, Olay®, Oral-B®, Pampers®, Pantene®, SK-II®, Tide®, Vicks®, Whisper ®. The P & G community includes businesses in approximately 70 countries around the world.Please come The latest news and information about P & G and its brands.

About the Canadian Premature Babies Foundation
As a parent-led charity, the Canadian Premature Babies Foundation (CPBF) supports and educates families of preterm infants. CPBF provides education, support, and advocacy Canada’s Premature babies and their families.About 30,000 babies give birth prematurely each year Canada.. CPBF’s goal is to gain momentum by continuing to develop peer support programs, distribute useful materials and resources to families and healthcare professionals, and how they can improve the lives and experiences of premature babies and their families. Is to investigate.


  1. Source: Prevalence and risk factors for postpartum depression in preterm and low birth weight women: systematic review
  2. Source:
  3. Source: Journal of Perinatology

Sauce pampers

More Information: Media Contact: MSLGROUP (for Pampers), Tony Koutoulas, 416-886-5037, [email protected]





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