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New American coronavirus cases are skyrocketing in some states as Americans flock to beaches and parks-KEYT


Just because you can go to the beach and bars doesn’t mean you should be alert. In fact, in some states New coronavirus spike Case.

“It reminds everyone that the coronavirus is not yet included, as the country started to open up this holiday weekend,” he said. Dr. Stephen M. Hahn, Member of the US Food and Drug Administration.

“The protection of ourselves and our community depends on every individual. Social distances, hand washing, Wear a mask and protect us.. “

Many Americans flock to parks, restaurants and beaches Celebrate anniversary weekend

In Gulf Shores, Alabama, “There are literally thousands of people on the beach, and what makes me really happy is that many, almost all, of these people do great work at social distances. Steve Ricks told a CNN affiliate WPMI.

Others flocked to Georgia and Florida beacheso Start the weekend. In addition, North, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Delaware beaches have also begun to welcome visitors on Friday.

But Experts warn that the United States is not out of the forest yet.. According to more than 1.6 million Americans have been infected and more than 97,000 have died Johns Hopkins University.

“While the states and some state authorities are rushing to restart us in order to make wise and safe decisions,” said Dr. Sea Mayasmin, a former disease investigator at the US Centers for Disease Control.

“Look at the numbers and you can see that over 20,000 Americans were infected on Thursday,” Yasmin said. On Friday, “the number has increased and more than 24,000 new Americans have been diagnosed with Covid-19.”

Track the virus

Coronaviruses are rising rapidly in some states

States such as North Carolina and Arkansas are seeing big spikes, Yasmin said.

Saturday, North Carolina Reported its highest daily increase in new coronavirus cases, The day after the state entered the second phase of resumption.

To Asa Hutchinson, Governor of Arkansas The state seems to be experiencing a “second peak.” He also said that one of the reasons for the rise was in more extensive testing.

Still there Many new positive tests are coming out Virginia, Maryland, the District of Columbia, Nebraska, and Illinois were said by Deborah Barks, the White House Coronavirus Special Investigations Committee coordinator.

Answers to Questions: Frequently Asked Questions about Coronavirus

Mayor Houston: “Not ready” to deal with the surge

Texas beaches also saw crowds on weekends after the bar was allowed to reopen on Friday with restrictions.

Photo by Taylor Blount Austin streets crowded with people Until late at night.

Texas is one of the few states in the South at risk of a rapidly increasing number of new coronavirus cases in some regions. New projection model..

Harris County, including Houston, By June, more than 2,000 new cases were seen daily.

“We are not ready to deal with such a surge,” said Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner. “For example, using contact tracing, we can build about 200 cases per day and build that program.”

“The virus is still here,” he said. “There are still people who think it’s a joke, but it’s not a joke. Things opened. We’re on Stage 2 in Texas, so it’s a bar, a restaurant, a barbershop, no matter what. So I’m nervous, but I’ll do everything I can to manage the virus. “

The projection model includes parts of South Florida Alabama and parts of Tennessee are preparing for a surge in coronavirus infections..

43rd NYPD member dies

New York police have announced the death of the 43rd member due to complications from the coronavirus.

According to the city’s police station, Drisk Auckland died Friday 30 years later as a school safety officer.

More than 5,700 members of NYPD are virus positive.

Research yields promising results

There is some good news about the treatment potential of Covid-19 patients.

Studies appear to improve symptoms in patients who receive transfusions of antibody-filled convalescent plasma. Convalescent plasma comes from the blood of patients with recovered coronavirus.

This work has not been peer reviewed or published in a journal. The researchers said the finding was a good sign of plasma therapy.

“We encourage our initial assessment to provide evidence to support convalescent plasma as an effective intervention,” said Associate Professor and co-author of the study at Ikhan Medical College on Mount Sinai. Dr. Nicole Bouvier said.

But more research is needed to confirm the findings, the researchers said.

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