Vaccines for children: how are they prepared and why are they diluted?
There are some important steps that all pharmacists and doctors must follow, such as diluting the vaccine with the correct amount of sodium chloride.
Washington — It’s been about two weeks since Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 was approved. Meanwhile, WUSA9 reported four cases in which the child was vaccinated with the wrong dose.
With each snuff we report, we hear more anger and more questions.
“This is the third story I’ve heard about what happened last week,” one person wrote to us. “I don’t think they should have been so rushed to get it out. Obviously it wasn’t ready.”
“This also happened in Virginia,” another commenter wrote. “I think they need to be retrained.”
Then there was the question of why the shots were diluted in the first place and the comment that the vaccination process was not transparent enough.
“Unless only the person who gave it knows what was given and is watching what is happening, how does everyone know? [have] I raised my voice and stopped what was happening, “someone commented. WUSA9 post..
So the validation team went to an expert to step-by-step through the process of how a child’s dose of Pfizer vaccine was prepared.
What are the exact steps doctors and pharmacists take to prepare a dose of Pfizer COVID-19 for their children?
Make sure the researcher has read through Pfizer fact sheet Meet Dr. Michael Kim, a pharmacist and owner given to a healthcare provider Grab pharmacy Walk through the process at Capitol Hill.
First, vaccine vials are shipped at very low temperatures. When shipped with dry ice, like Dr. Kim’s dose, the container is kept between -13 ° F and 5 ° F.
Children’s vaccines can be easily identified by an orange cap and a label with an orange border.
Upon arrival at the scene, the vaccine is either cryopreserved for extended periods of time or thawed and transferred to the refrigerator for immediate use.
After thawing, the pharmacist follows a few simple steps.
First, the pharmacist fills the syringe with 1.3 mL of sterile 0.9% sodium chloride injection (USP).
Then he or she adds sodium chloride to the vial to dilute it. The pharmacist is trained to slowly rotate the vial back and forth to mix.
The final step is to fill the syringe with 0.2 mL of the currently diluted dose.
Each diluted vial contains about 10 doses, or enough to vaccinate 10 children.
Dr. Kim says ask your pharmacist if you have any questions.
“We can show you the process and guide you-hold your hand throughout the process,” said Dr. Kim.
Dr. Kim said he believes that these accidents in the way vaccines are administered are rare and that these vaccines are definitely distributed nationwide.
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