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Does Vitamin D Prevent Covid-19? Why is there something in these claims?


Recent headlines suggest that vitamin D deficiency may increase Risk of dying From COVID-19, And in turn, Vitamin D supplement To protect myself.

Is this all hype, or is vitamin D COVID-19?

Vitamin D and the immune system

At least in theory, there may be something in these claims.

Almost all immune cells have Vitamin D receptor, Shows that vitamin D interacts with the immune system.

Calcitriol, an active vitamin D hormone, Innate and adaptive immune system, The first and second line of defense against pathogens.

And vitamin D deficiency Immunodeficiency, A failure or change in the control of immune system processes.

Many of the ways calcitriol affects the immune system are directly related to our ability to protect ourselves from viruses.

Calcitriol, for example, causes the production of cathelicidin and other defensins. Prevent virus Duplicate and enter the cell.

Calcitriol can also increase the number of specific types of immune cells (CD8 + T cells). Elimination of acute viral infection Lungs (such as influenza).

Calcitriol, as its name suggests, also suppresses proinflammatory cytokines, molecules secreted by immune cells that promote inflammation. Some scientists said that vitamin DCytokine stormIs the most serious COVID-19 Case.

Evidence from randomized controlled trials suggests that regular vitamin D supplementation may help prevent acute respiratory infections.

Recent Meta-analysis We summarized the results of 25 trials with more than 10,000 participants randomized to receive vitamin D or placebo.

Vitamin D supplementation was found to reduce the risk of acute respiratory infections, but only when given daily or weekly rather than as a single large dose.

The benefits of regular supplements were originally greatest among participants who were significantly deficient in vitamin D, with a 70% reduction in risk of respiratory infections. In other countries, risk was reduced by 25%.

Large single doses (or “bolus”) are often used as a quick way to supplement vitamin D. However, in the setting of respiratory infections, there was no benefit to participants receiving a single high dose.

actually, monthly Or Annual Vitamin D supplementation can increase vitamin D, including increased risk of falls and bone fractures. protect Against these results.

High doses may be given intermittently have a finger in the pie It involves the synthesis and breakdown of enzymes that regulate vitamin D activity in the body.

Vitamin D and Covid-19

Little direct evidence yet exists for the role of vitamin D in Covid-19. And while early research is interesting, many may be contextual.

For example, Small study United States and Another study Asian researchers have found a strong correlation between low vitamin D status and severe infection with Covid-19.

However, neither study considers confounding factors.

In addition to senior citizens, Covid-19 generally Existing conditions..

Importantly, people with pre-existing medical conditions are also often vitamin D deficiency. Research to evaluate ICU patient High rates of deficiency have been reported even before Covid-19.

Therefore, it is expected that severely ill Covid-19 patients will have a relatively high rate of vitamin D deficiency, regardless of whether vitamin D plays any role.

Some researchers report high rates of Covid-19 infection Ethnic minority Minority groups tend to have low levels of vitamin D, so we suggest a role for vitamin D in the United Kingdom and the United States.

However, Uk biobank The association between vitamin D levels and the risk of Covid-19 infection is not supported, nor may vitamin D levels explain racial differences in Covid-19 infection.

This study was adjusted for confounders, but vitamin D levels were measured 10 years ago, which is a drawback.

Researchers also suggested vitamin D Play a role Examine mean vitamin D levels in various countries, along with Covid-19 infections. But in the hierarchy Scientific evidence These types of studies are weak.

Should I try to get more vitamin D?

Some registered trial About early vitamin D and Covid 19. Hopefully, studies with a particularly strong design are expected to further clarify the potential effects of vitamin D on Covid-19 infection.

In the meantime, even if you’re not sure if vitamin D will help reduce the risk or consequences of Covid-19, a lack of vitamin D will prove useless.

Getting enough Vitamin D from food alone is difficult. While plenty of oily fish can cover many of our needs, eating this every day is neither healthy nor mouth-watering.

In Australia, most of the vitamin D comes from the sun, but about 70% Insufficient level During the winter. of Exposure You need to get enough vitamin D. Only a few minutes during the summer, but during the winter you may need hours of exposure in the middle of the day.

If you think you are not getting enough vitamin D, consult your GP. They recommend incorporating Daily supplements For your routine this winter.

This article was first published conversation Along Elina Hipponen At the University of South Australia. Read Click here for the original article..

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