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Outbreak of COVID-19 reported at Farmer John Slaughterhouse in LA County


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Deadly coronavirus model. Courtesy County News Center

An official from a Virginia-based company that owns a farmer’s slaughterhouse in Vernon has announced that it has implemented strict health-care protocols on Sunday following a coronavirus pandemic. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing..

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“Smithfield family members are crucial to our response to COVID-19. Smithfield Foods thanked us in the statement for putting the foods on the American table, and during this outbreak, We have taken proactive steps to protect their health and safety.

LAist website said Thursday that at least 140 employees of the factory had a positive response to a disease caused by a coronavirus over the past few months after a cluster of 6 cases was discovered in the factory’s ham-flushing department in mid-April. Was reported.

The story quotes Freddie Aggin, director of the city’s Environmental Health Administration.

Among the measures implemented by the company are the following:

— Adopts a series of rigorous, detailed processes, protocols and protective measures, often exceeding CDC and OSHA guidance for workers and employers in meat and poultry processing.

— Personal protective equipment (PPE) reinforced to include a mask and face shield.

— Plexiglas and other physical barriers installed on manufacturing floors and rest rooms.

— Implemented a mass thermal scanning system to identify employees who were warming up before entering the facility.

— Made free, voluntary COVID-19 tests available to employees.

— Increase social distances whenever possible;

— A rich hand sanitization station has been added.

— Enhanced cleaning and disinfection.

— Explicitly instruct employees not to report to the workplace if they are ill or have COVID-19 symptoms.

— Sick employees must stay home and be segregated according to CDC and OSHA guidelines.

— Pay all bonuses, including bonuses, when employees are quarantined.

— Provide paid leave to all employees at high risk of serious complications from COVID-19.

— Expanded employee health benefits and removed all barriers to our health plans for access to healthcare, including eliminating COVID-19-related testing and treatment out-of-pocket.

— Educate all employees on how COVID-19 will spread and protect themselves and others.

— Employee communication posted in multiple languages.

— Deferred all unimportant business trips.

— Restricted all unwanted visitors.

Hundreds of pigs are taken daily to the facility at 3049 E. Vernon Ave. where they are killed into Dodger dogs and hams, bacon, sausages and hot dogs sold under the Farmer John label.

Attempts to contact Vernon City officials have failed.

– City news service

Outbreak of COVID-19 reported at Farmer John Slaughterhouse in LA County Last modified date: May 24, 2020 Along Hoaquach

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