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Americans sunbathe on the beach as coronavirus deaths approach 100,000


May 23, 2020 Skateboarders wear face masks while others are sitting on the beach during Memorial Day weekend when a coronavirus illness (COVID-19) occurred in Huntington Beach, California, USA .. Reuters / Patrick T. Fallon

© Thomson Reuters
May 23, 2020 Skateboarders wear face masks while others are sitting on the beach during Memorial Day weekend when a coronavirus illness (COVID-19) occurred in Huntington Beach, California, USA .. Reuters / Patrick T. Fallon

May 24th (Reuters) -This weekend, Americans sunbathe on the beach, fish on boats and stroll along the promenade, but occasionally those who wear masks are still the world It always reminded me of fighting a coronavirus pandemic.

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Memorial Day weekends, which mark the beginning of America’s summer, are usually times when graveyards across the country are filled with American flags and ceremonies, reminding those who died in the American War. This year’s Holiday Week is the day when more than 100,000 US deaths from COVID-19 are expected.

The New York Times sought to capture the humanity of the lost lives by filling the entire front page with the names of 1,000 victims and selected details on Sunday.

“We were trying to catch the personal damage,” Mark Lacy, editor-in-chief of the newspaper, told Reuters. “ We were trying to humanize these numbers that have continued to grow and have reached immeasurable heights that are really hard to figure out more … this is about everyday people. It’s about the death toll, and it’s really just reached-drop. “

Among the names quoted from hundreds of American newspaper obituaries and death notices: Lila Fenwick, 87, the first black woman to graduate from Harvard Law. Romi Korn, 91, saved 56 Jewish families from Gestapo. Hailey Herrera, 25, is a rising therapist with a gift of empathy.

All 50 states have some deregulation of coronaviruses. In some states, such as Illinois and New York, restaurants are not yet open for face-to-face dining and beauty salons are closed. In many southern states, most businesses are operating and have limited processing capacity.

Last week, according to Reuters tally, 11 states including Alabama, Arkansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, New Hampshire, Maryland, Maine, Nevada, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, COVID- Reported a record number of 19 new cases. It is unclear whether more tests are being done or if they are caused by a second wave of infection. The total number of incidents in the United States exceeds 1.6 million, the highest number in the world.

The plea by health care professionals and many governors to wear masks in stores and in public areas faces protests and resistance from some Americans. There are many videos on social media that keep away angry customers who refuse to cover their mouth and nose.

“When you can’t keep up with your social distance, you need to wear a mask in public. Scientifically proven how it’s important to wear a mask to prevent water droplets from reaching others. It’s very important to do that, “House Corona Virus Headquarters said on” Fox News Sunday. “

Few people wear masks on Saturdays as they walk the crowded promenades of Ocean City, Maryland. Masks were a rare sight on other beaches, but people kept their distance mainly in small groups, avoiding playing games like Frisbee and volleyball.

“Personally, I’m not sure if I’m worried about that, but Bruce Clarke of Daytona Beach, Florida says, but I’d recommend staying home.

(Report by Doina Chiacu in Washington and Sinead Carew in New York, written by Lisa Shumaker, edited by Sonya Hepinstall)

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