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According to scientists, the Wuhan food market is directly pointed out when looking at the origin of the pandemic.


Michael Worobey, a researcher at the University of Arizona, has put together a painstaking timeline for all known cases of SARS-Cov-2 before the pandemic was known to have begun.

He discovers that there are many people living or working near the market, which is the original suspected cause of the pandemic, even without a direct connection to the market. bottom.

But when Chinese government officials tried to distract the criticism, and as the Trump administration, and later. Biden administration, Pointing out the possibility of Wuhan’s Virology Institute, the photo is confusing.
Warobi, who specializes in tracking the genetic evolution of the virus, has the virus Occurs in animals, And it didn’t start cycling until the end of 2019. He has published several studies on the presumed origin of the virus. But he said he wanted to check his own theory against the actual evidence from what is known about the actual people with documented infections.

So he jumped into a known case. What he finds strengthens the theory that the virus comes from animals sold on the market-like the first SARS outbreak in 2002-2004 that infected 8,000 people before it was stopped. NS.

Especially prominent was the 41-year-old accountant, who was allegedly ill on December 8, 2019, and had no connection to the market. This case is cited as evidence that the pandemic must have started in the market. Warobib found a record showing that the man did not get sick with Covid-19 until late December and the December 8 problem was related to his teeth.

“This is supported by hospital records and a scientific paper reporting his COVID-19 onset date of December 16th and hospitalization date of December 22nd,” Warobib said. .. I wrote in the commentary In journal science.
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It’s working in the market and will make a sick seafood vendor on December 11, 2019, Warobib said.

Other studies helped Warobi come up with a map of the earliest cases of clustering them across the market.

“It is noteworthy that many of the more than 100 COVID-19 cases since December lived in the immediate vicinity, even though no epidemiological association with the Wuhan market was confirmed. Provides compelling evidence that it started in the market, “he writes.

“Big red flashing arrow”

“It indicates that the most likely place for a pandemic to begin is the large red flashing arrow pointing to the South China Market,” Warobib told CNN. “The virus did not reach the South China Market since it came from other parts of Wuhan. Evidence is very strong that the virus started in the market and leaked around the market.”

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The World Health Organization has conducted its own investigation into the causes of the pandemic, stating that animals are most likely the cause of the pandemic. However, WHO also said the conclusions were unclear and called on the Chinese government to provide further information and access.

According to Warobi, this information may not be revealed. The Chinese government wiped out and disinfected the South China Seafood market for all animals when it became clear that it was associated with an outbreak of infectious disease in January 2020.

“I don’t call this definitive proof, but I call it pretty strong proof,” Warobib said.

Science magazine scrutinized Wolloby’s work from the outside before publishing it. And Peter Daszak, president of the EcoHealth Alliance and one of the WHO investigators, said he believes it will last.

“I was really impressed with the detective work he did. Everything he says about the December 8 incident is consistent with what he experienced in Wuhan on his WHO trip. Hospital in late December. There was a cluster of early incidents that came to Japan, and clinicians were working. Return to the estimated date of onset, “Dazak told CNN in an email.

“They mistaken for this person because he may have visited the hospital for another reason. This was not an accountant who lived near the campus of Wuhan’s lab, but a worker at the South China Market. This is the first known incident, “added Dazak. “This has been added to about 10 other scientific evidences I’ve seen since the end of WHO’s work. All of these show origin from wildlife farms and markets. Completely determined. There is no evidence of it. When you lay it all out, the balance actually leans towards a “natural” origin. “

Warobib joined a group of scientists who signed a letter in science in May, saying that the theory that the coronavirus leaked from the laboratory needs a thorough investigation.

“I suggest that I need to co-sign the letter in science and investigate the leak in the lab, but I still believe it, and I believe it should be,” Warobib said. Told to. “But in the meantime, there is a lot of evidence for holy smoke-against it and of its natural origin.”





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