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Five other Manitoba of COVID-19 died and 179 new cases were reported-Winnipeg


Manitoba health authorities report five more COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection)179 new cases of associated death and virus.

Reported cases State Online COVID-19 Dashboard On Thursday, the total number of active cases in Manitoba will be 1,404, and the state’s five-day test positive rate will be 5.7%.

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The latest COVID-19 deaths reported on Thursday are:

  • A man in his thirties from a healthy area in Winnipeg.
  • A female in her 70s from a healthy area of ​​Winnipeg.
  • A man in his 70s living in a healthy area of ​​Winnipeg, associated with a variant of Delta’s concerns.
  • A female in her 80s from the Southern Health region, associated with an outbreak in third-crossing manners.When
  • A male in his 80s from the Southern Health region, associated with an outbreak in third-crossing manners.

Details about the two deaths reported on Tuesday and Wednesday were also released. The victims are:

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  • A female in her 90s in the Prairie Mountain Health area was associated with a variant of unspecified concern and an outbreak in Benito Personal Care Home (reported Tuesday).
  • With a man in his 60s from the Southern Health region (reported Wednesday);
  • A man in his 70s from Prairie Mountain Health (reported Wednesday).

Most of Thursday’s new cases Southern health area, 69 new infectious diseases.

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COVID-19 and Manitoba children

COVID-19 and Manitoba children

Another 43 cases Winnipeg Health Region, 28 found in Prairie Mountain Health Area, 32 were reported Northern Health Area And 7 were found in Interlake-Eastern Health Area..

According to health data, 94 of Manitoba’s latest infectious diseases are still unvaccinated, 8 are partially vaccinated and 77 are fully vaccinated.

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Can I still get the COVID-19 vaccine in Manitoba?Reservation method and destination

according to Local site Following a five-day test positive rate across the state’s five health districts, the southern district continues to have the highest infection rates in the state.

The percentage of the southern district on Wednesday was 14.4%, but according to the data for the past two weeks, it increased to 16.6% on November 11.

Manitoba Health.

Manitoba Health

In the northern region, the 5-day positive test rate was the second highest, with 10% reported on Wednesday, while the Winnipeg rate was the lowest on Wednesday at 2.9%.

Officials said there were 157 COVID-19 hospitalizations as of Thursday morning, with 30 patients in the intensive care unit as a result of the virus.

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COVID-19: Manitoba states that the 5-11 vaccine is ready and will be approved by the end of November.

Health data show that the COVID-19 test for 3,682 was performed on Wednesday.

Since March 2020, Manitoba has now reported 66,184 cases confirmed by COVID-19 testing.

Outbreak, enforcement

Health officials reported several new outbreaks in schools and medical facilities on Thursday.

Outbreaks have been declared at Winnipeg’s Amber Meadow Retirement Home and Arberg’s Arberg Personal Care Home. Both facilities have gone into the red or critical with the state’s pandemic response system.

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Meanwhile, new outbreaks have also been declared at Brandon’s 4 / 5th grade New Era School and Winnipeg’s 2nd grade Ecole Sacre Coeur.

Affected classes have been moved to distance learning, and schools have been moved to orange or restricted levels of pandemic response systems, the state says.

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More elderly people were transferred from the hospital

More elderly people were transferred from the hospital

The head of Sandy Bay First Nation and the council are calling on residents to stay home after the outbreak. Since Tuesday, the community has been in a state of emergency and a curfew has been enforced.

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Residents are required to stay home from 11 pm to 6 am. The chief and council are urging residents to prepare for the blockade of the community and stock up on supplies that last 14 to 24 days.

Since October 5, there have been 80 cases in Sandy Bay. As of Wednesday, there were 54 active cases, 6 in the hospital and 2 in the ICU.

The state says the previously declared outbreak ended at the following schools:

  • Westdale School, 6th grade.
  • HSCGD2 Surgical Unit;
  • Ecole La Serte School, Kindergarten;
  • Ralph Maybank School, Grade 3/4 only.When
  • Edmund Partridge School, 6th grade.

The state said Thursday that 38 warnings and 9 tickets were issued between November 8 and 14 due to the continued enforcement of the COVID-19 Public Health Order.

Tickets include 6 personal tickets, 2 $ 298 tickets for individuals caught indoors in public without a mask, and 1 $ 5,000 ticket issued to a company. ..

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Do you have any questions about COVID-19? There are some things you need to know.

Symptoms You may have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing. Very similar to a cold or flu. Some people can develop more serious illnesses. The risk of this is highest for the elderly and those with severe chronic medical conditions such as heart, lung and kidney disease. If you have symptoms, Contact public health authorities..

NS Prevent the spread of the virus, Experts recommend frequent hand washing and coughing on your sleeves. It’s also a good idea to minimize contact with others, stay at home as much as possible, and stay at a distance of 2 meters from others when you’re out. In situations where it is not possible to keep a safe distance from others, public health officials recommend the use of non-medical face masks or covers to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets that may carry the virus. .. Masks or face covers are required in indoor public spaces in some states and municipalities across the country.

For full COVID-19 coverage from Global News, Please see the coronavirus page..

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.





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