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Yes, there is a flu season this year, CDC says


Influenza activity is very low in the United States, but it has begun, and unlike last year’s focus on frequent hand washing, mask use, and school closures, this year has at least some flu season. Enough to show that there is a company, and social distance has almost blocked the flu infection.

It’s always impossible to predict what the flu season will be, but Lynnette Brammer, the leader of the CDC’s national flu monitoring team, has received more attention from her team for reports of increased flu cases. He said he thinks the flu season may have returned after one. Annual holidays.

“Overall flu activity is still really low. It’s just starting to sneak up a bit,” Brammer told CNN.

According to the National Academy of Medicine, the flu epidemic can be even worse than Covid-19.
The CDC estimates that influenza kills 12,000 to 61,000 people annually in the United States, depending on the season. During the first week of November, 14% of deaths were due Influenza, pneumonia or Covid-19. According to the CDC, only 0.3% of the tested specimens returned positive for influenza last week, and only 295 were hospitalized for influenza.

On Monday, the CDC confirmed that state and local health authorities in Michigan are helping Michigan University students investigate more than 500 cases. This is the largest single outbreak ever.

Brammer said what seems to be the case of influenza among adolescents aged 5 to 24 years.

“Often, the flu can occur first in the younger age group and then in the very young and older age groups. It doesn’t always happen that way,” she said. Told. “The flu seasons are different.”

Influenza is complicated by the circulation of several different types and strains. Now, according to Brammer, a strain known as H3N2, which has existed for decades, is infecting people. The influenza vaccine also protects against a strain known as H1N1 that occurred in 2009 and caused a mild pandemic, and two influenza B strains.

Between influenza and Covid-19, winter

The CDC recommends that almost everyone over 6 months receive the flu vaccine each year. This is because the virus mutates and the preparations are often fine-tuned, but even with vaccination, people’s immunity weakens year by year.

According to Brammer, vaccine makers will be vaccinated with 200 million flu vaccines this year, the largest supply ever. This is not enough to cover the entire population of the United States, but historically, only about half of those who should be vaccinated against the flu do.

“It was best to get the vaccine in October, but many couldn’t get it,” Brammer said. “If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, you should get it now.”

Many Americans have also been advised to receive a booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, and it is safe and convenient to put them together, Brammer said. “If you haven’t done so yet, this is the best time to get vaccinated,” she said.

The CDC is worried because the flu shot seems to be behind schedule.

Influenza vaccination rate This year, the number of children is 6 points lower than last year, with 34% of children vaccinated against the flu so far, but this time a year ago it was 40%. Black children are 10 points lower, 24.9% compared to 35.3% last year.
Influenza vaccination uptake is now partisan.Previously it wasn't

Pregnant women who are strongly advised to get a flu shot to protect themselves and their babies are also lagging behind. So far, only 41% of pregnant women have been vaccinated, according to the CDC, compared to 58% last year. And only 21.5% of pregnant black women are vaccinated.

But overall, more and more people are planning to get a flu shot this year than last year, according to the CDC. 58.5% of those surveyed said they would be vaccinated against the flu, compared to 54.8% last year.

The CDC reports that 70.6% of adults who have been vaccinated against the corona virus or are undoubtedly planning to be vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine have or will be vaccinated against the flu vaccine during the 2021-22 season. I found that it was a plan.

And only 11% of adults who say they may or will never get the coronavirus vaccine say they will get the flu vaccine.

So far, the CDC says 162.5 million Influenza vaccine dose It was distributed. Vaccine manufacturers continue to manufacture and distribute influenza vaccines.





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