Tragedy as a hero doctor working at the forefront of the NHS dies in Covid
A review was paid to a “great” doctor and four fathers who died of the coronavirus while treating a patient at the forefront of Covid-19.
Dr. Ilfan Harim, who was described by a friend as a “gift of a man,” Royal Brompton Hospital In South Kensington on Sunday after a nine-week fight against the virus.
It is believed that he was infected with the virus just two months after he started working in the Covid Intensive Care Unit (ICU) ward at Swindon Hospital, before it collapsed during the shift on September 10. Dr. Harim was completely vaccinated and was full. Personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times while in the ward.
After spending a few weeks in the Swindon ICU, Dr. Harim was transferred to Royal Brompton on September 23, where he was treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). He died in the arms of his wife, Syrah. Syrah said, “I whispered prayer and love to his ears.”
Dr. Harim, a consultant general surgeon who has been involved in various medical treatments during his 25-year medical career, was welcomed by friends and family as a “tower of power” on Thursday. He specializes in laparoscopic surgery and worked at the famous Harley Street clinic.
According to a close friend of his family, his tragic death occurred just weeks after his father, Kamal, who was also a doctor, died from Covid in late September. He was buried and a funeral was held while his son was in the ICU of Royal Brompton.
Siân Hughes-Pollitt, a family friend who met Dr. Harim through a fencing club with three children a few years ago, said his death left “a big gap in many places and spaces.”
She told Standard that she often commute from Barking’s home to Swindon for more than two hours to treat patients.
“Ilfan had words that were kind to everyone,” she said. “It is very difficult to accept that a man who has taken all medical and clinical precautions against Covid died of this disease.
“He had an incredible dedication as a doctor. Even if Covid got worse in the hospital, he never abandoned Swindon – it would never go beyond his heart. He had a principle and a sense of duty.
“Imagine him now and you see him standing beside his wife and family. This is a tower of power. He is a husband, a father and a close friend. I think he is his wife. And see them alive through the children. “
Ms. Hughes Politt said she spoke with Dr. Harim’s wife, Syrah, just hours after seeing her husband die in the ICU. “She was broken … she first told me:’He went to work, and he never went home. It was the longest shift.”
“The gap he left is very large-it felt like a sea of loss.”
Sila and Ilfan first met at the East London Ice Skating Rink, settled in Whitechapel, and then moved to Barking to get closer to their families.
Ms. Hughes Politt said one of Syrah’s husband’s last memories was a FaceTime call from the Swindon Hospital ICU after he got out of sedation.
“Syrah said to him:’We need you. Children need you to fight this.” He couldn’t speak, but she nodded he agreed. saw. He vowed to fight her. “
In a social media post on Monday, Syrah paid tribute to her “best friend.”
She writes:
“Ilfan has given me 15 magical years as your wife, four beautiful children, and wonderful memories that will follow me until the rest of my life in this world.
“You were not only my best friend, but also my best friend to all our children and many others.”
NS GoFundMe The pages in Dr. Ilfan’s memory have already raised over £ 80,000 and the money will be used to support Syrah and her family.
“We want to use his memory as a kind of glue to unite our families and allow them to recognize the values he supported for a longer time,” she said.
“He never left his post. He was like a soldier fighting this virus. Like other NHS workers, he felt dangerous in his eyes and was there to protect others. They were standing. They are heroes. “
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