CDC: Death from drug overdose in the top 100,000 US
Beware of signs of overdose, carry naloxone and seek service
November 19, 2021
Ore, Newport-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Media Alert on Wednesday, November 17th Regarding the fatal increase in overdose in the United States. The National Center for Health Statistics has released interim data showing a 28.5% increase in deaths from overdose during the 12 months to April 2021. Deaths from opioid overdose, deaths from synthetic opioids (such as fentanyl), and methamphetamine increased. The report also mentions increased mortality from cocaine and semi-synthetic opioids (such as prescription analgesics).
May 2020, Oregon Health Department (OHA) Deaths from overdose have been reported to increase by 70% Compared to April / May 2019. OHA contributed significantly to the significant increase in fatal overdose and primarily to the increase in fentanyl in drug supplies. Synthetic fentanyl is used for severe pain and is 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine. It is usually used in the form of a transdermal patch or troche, but can be diverted for misuse. Fentanyl is found in heroin and other opiates, stimulants, cocaine and ecstasy. Fentanyl is low in manufacturing cost and very powerful, so any street drug can be mixed with fentanyl. Drugs mixed with fentanyl can cause accidental overdose and death.
Lincoln County Public Health advises the general public, law enforcement agencies, and our first responders to:
Beware of overdose.
Carry naloxone or naloxone.
Warn others about overdose of fentanyl in drug supply and an increased risk of potential contamination.
Signs of opioid / fentanyl overdose: Centers for Disease Control and PreventionThe signs and symptoms of opioid overdose are:
- Small and constricted “pinpoint pupil”
- Fall asleep or lose consciousness
- Slow shallow breathing
- Choking or rumbling
- Loose body
- Light, blue, or cold skin
Naloxone / Nalcan Saves Life: Naloxone is a drug that can be given during an overdose to temporarily block the effects of opioids on the body and delay or prevent death during an overdose. Naloxone is available as an injection or nasal spray (Nalcan). When using naloxone, the effects are temporary and the person still needs to see a doctor.
You can get through Naloxone:
- Any pharmacist in Oregon can prescribe naloxone for you.
- Anyone who can prescribe a drug can send a naloxone prescription to a pharmacy.
- Harm Reduction in Lincoln County offers free naloxone 541-270-9069.
- The Union Tribes of the Sirets Indigenous also offer a free naloxone, 541-444-9672.
Testing your supply can help prevent overdose: Fentanyl Test Strip (FTS) can identify the presence of fentanyl in illegal substances. FTS can be used in powders, injections, and tablets. Testing your supply can help reduce the risk of your overdose.
FTS is available from Harm Reduction (541-270-9069) in Lincoln County.
If someone is overdose, call 9-1-1. Even if naloxone is used to reverse the symptoms of overdose, the effect is temporary and the person still needs to see a doctor. If someone is overdose, call 9-1-1. Good Samaritan Law protects you from being arrested or prosecuted for drug-related accusations or parole / probation violations based on the information provided to emergency responders.
Steps to reduce the risk of overdose:
- Refrain from using drugs. It’s the best way to eliminate the risk of overdose.
- If abstinence is not possible:
- Reduce the dose
- Keep naloxone handy
- Test the drug using the fentanyl test strip (FTS)
- Use with someone who can help you
- Know Tolerance: If you haven’t used it for a while, your tolerance will be lower and your risk of overdose will be higher.
- Call for medication or medication (MAT) to reduce the risk of opioid overdose.
- Reconnect Counseling, Newport 541-203-0635. This is a dedicated line for peer support personnel to help people treat.
- Equinox 541-790-2455.
- Siletz 541-444-1030, a coalition tribe of Silet Twindian MAT.
- Lincoln County Behavioral Health, Newport (541-574-5960) and Lincoln City (541-265-4196).
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