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Three ways a full moon can affect your sleep


If you got up early, you might have had the chance to see the beginning of this morning’s beaver eclipse.

However, experts warn that the beaver’s “blood” lunar eclipse is likely to make you a little uneasy.

Beaver Moon is the Native American name for the full moon in November.

This is because November is seen as the time when the natural architect Beaver begins to retreat to the lodge in case of cold weather.

It was during this full moon that beaver hunters set traps in hopes of landing their furry crops.

It starts at 7:18 am this morning and is set to last for about 6 hours.

Beaver Moon means that there are few nights at night because the unlit side of the moon faces the earth.

This can change the amount and frequency of rest and feels out of sync.

Dr. Elizabeth Phillips, Nutrition and CBD Expert Four Five He said the full moon is known to shorten sleep time, affect deep sleep times in the sleep cycle, and increase the time it takes to fall asleep.

According to the NHS, adults need 6-9 hours of sleep each night, but one expert states that there are three main ways that Beaver Moon can’t get the recommended dose.

According to experts, the peak of the full moon could hunt us down, and the British experienced this first thing this morning. This means that sleep may be disturbed tonight.

Astrologer Invar Honigman He said that the moon has a deeper connection to the Earth than many think, and that this connection means that it makes us uneasy.

Invar Working Together, The First Way Beaver Moon Affects Your Sleep He said it might take five minutes longer to fall asleep.

Swiss scientist Found before On a full moon night, it takes an average of 5 minutes for people to fall asleep.

Invar explains: “The moon controls the tide, pulls water towards the shore and releases it again.”

“The average body is made up of 70 percent water. If the moon can move the entire ocean, imagine the effect it has on our body as we try to relax.”

The second way it can affect your sleep is that you can actually lose 20 minutes of precious sleep.

The same Swiss sleep study found that the average person sleeps as much as 20 minutes on a full moon night.

In addition, evening levels of the essential sleep hormone melatonin were low in both men and women on and after the full moon.

“This is a central part of the body’s sleep and wake cycle, as it helps the body synchronize both day and night,” added Inbaal.

Finally, Invar said Beaver Moon can also affect sleep, as it can reduce the amount of time spent on deep sleep by 30%.

Invar added: “Another four-year study found that during the full moon, brain activity associated with deep sleep was reduced by 30%, even though other aspects of the sleep routine did not change.

“This can explain why you can wake up more moody the next morning after the full moon, rather than getting well.”

Help at hand

The moon shines in the sky during the evening lunar eclipse in Dhaka, Bangladesh on November 19, 2021.
The moon shines in the sky during the evening lunar eclipse in Dhaka, Bangladesh on November 19, 2021.

You may be worried about waking up tomorrow because of the Beaver Moon, but experts say there are things you can do to prevent fatigue.

Both Dr. Phillips and Invar say that planning a relaxing night can help you through the Beaver Moon.

Dr. Phillips explained that taking a bath and increasing relaxation with assistive devices such as CBD can help.

Experts also recommended reducing screen time about 3 hours before bedtime.

This is because the bright light emitted by the screen can stimulate the brain and give a sense of alertness.

Dr. Phillips also recommended wearing socks on the bed.

She states: “Warming your hands and feet will help you fall asleep faster. To speed up the process and keep your toes warm, sleep in comfortable socks.”

This article was originally published Sun I duplicated it here with permission.





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