Up to 1.6 million people in the United States have long-term sensory loss due to Covid-19 | SmartNews

The coronavirus is suspected of attacking certain cells in the nose that help the olfactory nerves that sense the sense of smell.
Patrick J. Lynch
Loss of smell, called anosmia, may be one of the first symptoms of a Covid-19 study Thirty to eighty percent of people diagnosed report experiencing some changes in anosmia. Eating large amounts of perfume, food and wine and not smelling anything can be a strange and confusing sensation, but Ed Cara reports that about 90% of people recover their sense of smell in two weeks. Gizmodo.. However, some people take longer to recover their sense of smell. For others, it may never come back.
A new paper published in the journal this week JAMA Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery In the United States, it is estimated that up to 1.6 million people have lost their sense of smell as a result of Covid-19 infection for at least 6 months. MSN..
Sandeep Robert Datta, a neurobiologist at Harvard Medical School, told Jen Kristensen: CNN.. “This is a very unusual event in terms of olfactory (smell) dysfunction and the unprecedented consequences of a pandemic that has never been observed before.”
Other symptoms Long covid It can be more serious, such as brain fog, heart and lung damage, and chronic fatigue, but long-term loss of the sense of smell cannot be overlooked.People with anosmia Double chance CNN reports that it experiences risks such as gas leaks, smoke and the inability to detect rotten food.
Lis Stern, a 47-year-old woman living in New York City, told MSN about her experience. She lost her sense of smell in March 2020, and despite endless efforts such as vitamins, supplements, and acupuncture, her sense of smell has not returned.
“Yesterday my husband asked,’What’s that smell?’ And I didn’t know,” Stern told MSN. “It was the eggs that boiled in the kitchen that almost lit.”
CNN reports that loss of smell is also associated with an increased incidence of depression.
“Appetite and social relationships are really important, just as people have lost their sense of smell. They may not be able to detect the presence of body odor and may affect their diet,” said Penn’s sensory assessment. Center director John Hayes said. Tell CNN.
The possibility that patients with long-term anosmia will recover their sense of smell is not very optimistic. After 6 months of loss of smell, the chances of recovery are reduced to less than 20%.About 5% of all cases are reported to result in permanent losses Gizmodo.
“The long-term illness burden of this, we’re literally going to deal with it for decades,” Hayes tells CNN.
The reason why Covid-19 infection affects the sense of smell is still unknown, and it is particularly puzzling that symptoms can last for months, MSN reports.
“We believe the virus attacks nasal support cells that help the olfactory nerves function,” Jay F. Pichirillo, an otolaryngologist at Washington University in St. Louis’ School of Medicine, told MSN. .. “People who are more infected with sustentacular cells and have a higher viral load are more likely to have a persistent loss of smell.”
Understanding how the virus affects the sense of smell helps doctors understand if and how it can be recovered. Some clinics offer sensory therapy, which is successful for some patients, but certainly not all, CNN reports.
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