COVID Booster Shots Now Available to All Adults: What You Need to Know
COVID-19 Booster Shot is now available to all adults in the United States
On Friday morning, the Food and Drug Administration lifted the restrictions imposed last month and approved booster immunization for all adults.
Later that day, a panel of independent experts unanimously voted to support all boosters, especially after reviewing safety data and information about the benefits they offer, especially for people over the age of 50. I urged you to get it. CDC director Rochelle Walensky immediately approved the shot.
This decision means that all adults who received either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine at least 6 months ago are now eligible for a third dose. Those who received the vaccine from Johnson & Johnson more than two months ago were already eligible for boosters.
The Biden administration has pre-purchased enough vaccines to provide booster shots for free, and pharmacies need to have their doses available immediately.
Boosters have been allowed to certain groups for about a month so far. 17% of all adults And 37% of them over the age of 65 got them. All boosters have already been approved in some states, including California, Louisiana, Kansas, Kentucky, and Massachusetts.
Vaccine experts say that getting a booster dose has little downside. Side effects are comparable to the first round of shots.
According to the data, vaccine protection begins to weaken in about 6 months. The same people who are vulnerable to severe COVID-19 (people over the age of 65 or with certain medical conditions such as diabetes and lung disease) are also more vulnerable to so-called breakthrough infections.
Here’s what you need to know about boosters:
Who needs to get a booster shot?
Anyone who received the first two doses of the Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at least 6 months ago is eligible for a third booster dose. Anyone who has been vaccinated with a single Johnson & Johnson vaccine at least two months ago can receive a second dose.
Which shot is the best?
The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and the Moderna vaccine are very similar, and the government states that mixing vaccine brands is okay. So, for example, it’s okay to get a Pfizer-BioNTech booster after the other two vaccines. According to the data, J & J recipients can receive better prophylaxis by switching vaccines to a second dose.
Why bother to get a booster?
Studies show that the effectiveness of the vaccine against symptomatic diseases begins to decline about 6 months after the first injection. Booster doses increase the level of protection until or above the first vaccination.
Booster shots can also reduce virus infection and can help reduce or at least limit the spread of the virus.
Are shots protected in time for the holidays?
Studies show that it takes about a week for the COVID-19 vaccine to start making a difference. So it’s probably too late to get protection in time for a large Thanksgiving celebration, but getting a shot in the next few weeks will enhance your Christmas and New Year protection.
What about the risks?
There does not appear to be any additional risk from the third injection compared to previous doses. Side effects are similar and no new types of symptoms have been reported after booster immunization.
The only potential side effect related to professionals is swelling of the heart called myocarditis. This rarely happens, Most often for adolescents and young men.. Studies have shown that myocarditis is usually short-lived and mild after vaccination, but can be more severe if it is caused by a COVID-19 infection.
Is the booster the same as the initial dose?
Pfizer-BioNTech and J & J boosters are the same as the first shot. Moderna’s booster is half the dose of the first shot, and the company has found that it offers less side effects and the same degree of protection.
Will boosters help people who are already infected and vaccinated?
The study does not specifically examine the benefits of boosters to people who are already infected and vaccinated. In general, the combination of infection and vaccination has been shown to be more protective than either alone, but protection from vaccination is more consistent and predictable.
Do people in other parts of the world need more shots?
Yes, in many countries there are not enough vaccines to protect even the most vulnerable residents. The US government has promised to donate hundreds of millions of vaccines around the world, but most haven’t arrived yet because the United States prioritizes providing vaccines to Americans. Vaccination doses for Americans come from different pools and can expire if they are not used fairly quickly. So skipping boosters doesn’t help others if you need more shots.
After this, do people need more boosters?
It is not clear whether a third dose is sufficient to provide indefinite protection from COVID-19, or if additional or annual doses are required. It depends in part on how the immune system responds to the third dose, how well the virus circulates, and the emergence of other mutants that are so different that they weaken existing defenses.
Please contact Karen Weintraub ([email protected]) and Elizabeth Weise ([email protected]).
Health and patient safety coverage at USA TODAY was partially made possible by grants from the Masimo Foundation for Ethics, Innovation and Competition for Healthcare. The Masimo Foundation does not provide editorial input.
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