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The study found a deer infected with Covid-19. It can change the shape of the pandemic.

The study found a deer infected with Covid-19. It can change the shape of the pandemic.


Jerry Clayton of Texas Public Radio recently spoke with Dr. Randall Olsen about a study of Covid-19-infected Iowa deer.

Jerry Clayton: A team of scientists at the Houston Methodist Hospital worked with researchers at Penn State University to discover something amazing that could change the shape of the COVID pandemic. The majority of white-tailed deer populations may carry SARS-CoV-2. Dr. Randall Olson is the medical director of the Houston Methodist Molecular Diagnostic Lab. He joins us today. Thank you for being here. Dr. Olson.

Randall Olsen: Oh, thank you.

Clayton: Please give us an overview of the survey.

Olsen: Therefore, we were initially contacted as part of the work of whole-genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 isolates from human patients. Our laboratory has now created over 70,000 viral genomes from human patients. This is far more than any laboratory in the United States. As a result, we have recently been contacted by a collaborator from Pennsylvania State University and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. They were collecting samples from white-tailed deer for other reasons. And they are interested in studying if they may be infected with COVID and invited us to do some sequences on those samples.

Clayton: And what did you find?

Olsen: Surprisingly, we found that about one-third of deer samples collected from across Iowa were positive for SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA. This means that the deer system contains a virus.

Clayton: And how did they get it?

Olsen: That is what we continue to investigate from genomic sequencing. It is very clear that the deer-infected viral lineage was very similar to that circulating in humans in Iowa. at the same time. Therefore, they are very likely to come from other intermediate sources, initially from humans, or partly from humans.

Clayton: Now, as far as you know, was the deer a reservoir of other illnesses in history?

Olsen: Now, we knew from some very small laboratory-managed studies that deer could be ly infected with SARS-CoV-2, but what in nature? I didn’t really know if was happening. So it was a bit unexpected to notice that this was so widespread.

Clayton: So, if I understand correctly, these deer are infecting the virus among themselves. How likely are they to infect humans, cattle and other animals with the virus?

Olsen: So the next step in this research project is the virus’s transfer from humans to deer. As you know, the risk is whether it is further mutated, evolved into a deer, and then directly into a human, or via other intermediate sources such as rodents, deer, and mice. Regardless, there is the possibility of returning to humans. As you know, like Lyme disease, we know that the deer mouse was an intermediate host. So there’s a lot to learn from it.

Clayton: Does this mean that SARS-CoV-2 may stay in this reservoir of animals forever?

Olsen: So that’s one of the concerns. Even if human vaccination is very successful, the human population, if there is an animal source that can remain as a reservoir where the virus can continue to mutate or potentially return.

Clayton: Are you interested in doing similar research here from Texas?

Olsen: So the answer is yes. Our research was the first. I know from colleagues across the country that many other states, including Texas, are starting to consider it.

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