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Starbucks employees test positive for hepatitis A, and thousands of customers may have been exposed to the virus


For exposure to hepatitis A Starbucks According to county spokesman Dan Keashen, at 1490 Blackwood Clementon Road on November 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, and 13.

Kisaeng told CNN that the Camden County Health Department was notified of the incident on Wednesday and immediately closed the Starbucks location in Gloucester Township.

People who visit Starbucks frequently and have not been vaccinated against hepatitis A are advised to be vaccinated “as soon as possible, but within 14 days of contact”. news release On Friday.
“The County Health Department has worked closely with patients and Starbucks staff to address the situation,” said Pascal Nuwako, Camden County Health Officer. news release.

“Our top priority is to maintain the safety and health of all involved. The patient is not currently working and a close relationship has been confirmed. Hepatitis A seems to have been vaccinated. The person is the County Health Department or your primary care physician. “

Public health employees provided Starbucks employees with 17 hepatitis A vaccines on Thursday and set up a nearby pop-up vaccine clinic on Friday and Saturday, Keisen said.

According to Keashen, 800 vaccines have been administered so far, making it the largest hepatitis A vaccine initiative in the state’s history.

“Starbucks says the place is busy most of the time,” Kischen said. “They say they have an average of 600 patrons a day, and some are probably return patrons who go multiple times a day … but the exposure is probably thousands. . “

Starbucks visitors “must be vaccinated”

Starbucks employees infected with the virus are recovering. So far, no one has tested positive for hepatitis A as a result of exposure, a spokesman said.

“I found out that both my daughter and I may have been exposed to hepatitis A. I was vaccinated today and eventually felt better,” Keashen said. Told. WABC of CNN series.

“If you come in contact with a substance that comes out of a drive-through, or if you get inside the building itself, you absolutely need to be vaccinated.”

Due to the limited number of vaccines in the state, collecting the right amount of vaccine has never been an easy task.

“We hired employees in the public health department to drive the entire state, and in some cases hundreds of miles, to vaccinate the entire state,” Keashen explained. “The dose of hepatitis A vaccine available in New Jersey is not very high.”

As demand for vaccines continues to grow, the county has managed to secure 500 doses at another pop-up clinic scheduled for Wednesday.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, hepatitis A is a highly contagious liver infection that can spread through close contact with infected people and ingestion of contaminated food and drink.

According to the CDC, symptoms include fever, malaise, nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and jaundice, which usually appear 2 to 6 weeks after infection and last less than 2 months.

Since the vaccine was first made available in 1995, the incidence of hepatitis A in the United States has dropped by more than 95%. According to the CDC..Philadelphia next door declaration A public health emergency due to the surge in hepatitis A in 2019, with the majority of cases occurring in Kensington’s risk population.





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