GP sent me to Specsavers, an aggressive brain tumor
The man was diagnosed with an incurable brain tumor after being referred to Specsavers by the GP a few weeks before his first child gave birth.
Adam Dilley had intolerable migraines and blurred vision for four months before the optician sent him to A & E.
The 30-year-old begged for a face-to-face promise, but was rejected.
The contractor whose son is due to be born in December may not be alive to see the child go to school because he can only live for four years.
He states: “I called NHS111, went to the hospital, talked to the GP many times, and was being treated for sinusitis.
“But as I became more and more worried about my symptoms, I continued to call the surgery, claiming a face-to-face promise.
“In the end, the doctor told me to make an appointment with an optician, which I did.”
Adam from Bedford went to Specsavers on October 7, where the optician was “extremely suffering” to discover. mass I sent him to A & E behind Adam’s left eye.
Doctors performed blood tests, CT scans, and MRI scans, which revealed glioblastoma, an aggressive brain. tumor..
Life expectancy for patients with glioblastoma is only 12-18 months, but Adam underwent surgery on November 1 to remove most of the tumor. So he was able to live for another four years.
Adam is currently scheduled to take a 6-week course of radiation and chemotherapy at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge.
In the shock of Adam’s diagnosis, he and his partner Tasha are preparing for the arrival of their first baby (little boy) scheduled for December 3rd.
Tasha said: “In many ways the timing didn’t get worse, but on the other hand the baby gave us something positive to focus on and we’re very excited to see him now. doing.
“My deadline is less than two weeks, but Adam wants to arrive early, so Adam is taking the time to enjoy him before starting radiation therapy.”
Tragic diagnosis
NS Fundraising page After the diagnosis, he earned over £ 10,000 to help Adam, Tasha and his son.
Tasha said: “I have a mortgage, an invoice to pay, a new baby to think about, but Adam obviously can’t work at this point and I’m on maternity leave.
“When we discovered that a family friend set up a GoFundMe page for our financial support, we were very impressed and to everyone who donated or shared the page to raise awareness. I am very grateful. “
Hugh Adams, Head of Stakeholder Relations at Brain Tumor Research, said: Brain tumor.
“The timing of his diagnosis is particularly cruel, as he and Tasha should only focus on the joy of becoming parents during this milestone in life.
“Our idea is when Adam enters the next stage of treatment. I hope he and Tasha will do their best for the safe arrival of the boy.”
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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