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COVID-19 Update: High Transmission Speed, Booster Approved | News


St. Croix County Public Health

In St. Croix County, the number of cases of COVID-19 is surprisingly high. The St. Croix County Public Health Service recorded 1,576 COVID-19 cases in the county during the first 17 days of November. This is the highest level of case we have seen since COVID-19 peaked in the county in November 2020.

As of November 15, St. Croix County had the third highest level of community infection in all counties in Wisconsin. The current level of community communication is stated to be high. this is, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID data tracker. High level means that there are more than 100 new cases per 100,000 people in the last 7 days.

Using this calculation, St. Croix County has a higher level of community infection than Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.

Due to this surge in cases, local hospitals are experiencing very low bed numbers. As of November 17, 31 people were hospitalized by COVID-19 at a hospital in western Wisconsin, according to public health data available on the COVID-19 dashboard in St. Croix County. Available in hospitals in western Wisconsin, Twin Cities Metro Hospital has less than 2% availability of adult ICU beds. This affects not only those seeking the care of COVID-19, but also those seeking the care of other health emergencies.

Pierce County Public Health

The Pierce County Public Health Service has warned residents that very high levels of COVID-19 are occurring in the area. Pierce County has identified 286 COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days as of 19 November. This is more than six times the case level that puts the county in the community dissemination of the “high” category of the CDC.

The positive rate for the COVID-19 test in Pierce County over the last 7 days is 19.12%. Anything above 5% is considered high.

Pierce County reported four COVID-19 deaths last week.

“We all wanted to see this scale surge never again,” said AZ Snyder, Pierce County Health Officer. “It is now clear that COVID-19 follows a seasonal pattern, and that enough people have not been vaccinated in Pierce County to build an immune barrier.”

Nationally, 80% of people over the age of 12 are vaccinated at least for the first time. That’s 74% for the entire state and about 50% for Pierce County. Of the cases in Pierce County this year, only 10% of fully vaccinated individuals had breakthrough infections.

High case rates in Minnesota and western Wisconsin have resulted in very limited bed availability.

“The ability of small hospitals in the region to transfer patients who need to use intensive care units or ventilators to hospitals that can provide these services is very limited,” said Western Wisconsin Health CEO. Alison Page states. “There are not enough ICU beds and the situation may worsen in the coming weeks.”

Coronavirus vaccine RTSA

Your health

The COVID-19 vaccination campaign in the United States entered a new phase last week, and all adults were eligible to boost their immunity to the virus with a safe and effective vaccine.

Booster doses from Moderna and Pfizer / BioNTech have restored immunoprotection against SARS-CoV2, according to clinical trial data presented by both companies in a US Food and Drug Administration approval application.

In the case of Pfizer, its booster shot reverts the protective antibody to 95% efficacy, similar to the protection provided by the primary vaccine series, and actual data from other countries show severe illness, hospitalization, and death. It has shown a strong effectiveness in preventing. The FDA said in a Friday approval announcement.

Additional immune doses allowed for people over the age of 18 can be given to anyone 6 months after completing the first vaccine series. The FDA and CDC have previously approved a second dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine for all original single-dose recipients, allowing them to choose a booster dose of the approved COVID-19 vaccine.

According to pediatric infectious disease expert Dr. Jim Conway, pandemics are currently primarily one of the unvaccinated, helping to protect them and prevent the emergence and spread of new variants. UW Health and Pediatrics Professor, UW School of Medicine and Public Health.

“In combination with other tools we know, such as hand washing and physical distance, the booster effect helps protect us all and may probably begin to bring normality back to our lives. “He said.

It is important to note that the need for booster immunization does not indicate that the vaccine will not work, but is a normal part of vaccine development, according to Conway.

“Like any other vaccine, we found that the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine declined over time,” he said. “Like tetanus and the flu, you need to take additional shots on a regular basis to boost your immunity. It’s perfectly typical and expected.”

According to Conway, as the holiday season approaches, the focus will be on getting booster shots.

“If we all act now, it may be the best holiday gift you can give to your family and friends-a gift of peace and security to those you care about,” he said. Said.

Recent data from Wisconsin Health Services Department In October, fully vaccinated people are 5 times less likely to get infected and 11 times more likely to need a hospital bed than those who are partially or not vaccinated at all. It is low and has been shown to be 15 times less likely to die.

As of 17 November, 53.1% of St. Croix County residents and 46.2% of Pierce County residents over the age of 12 had been fully vaccinated with COVID-19.

The COVID-19 vaccine has been shown to be safe and effective against COVID-19. As more people are vaccinated with COVID-19 and follow public health recommendations, they will experience the prevalence of COVID-19, the formation of more harmful variants in the future, preventable health problems and loss of life. There is less risk to people in the community. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine.

On future holidays, it is important that all of us take appropriate precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. To keep our community safe, public health authorities are asking you to:

  • Get vaccinated

  • Get a COVID-19 booster shot when you qualify

  • Please wear a mask

  • Practice physical distance

  • Stay home when you are sick and don’t let your child go to school if you are sick

  • Wash your hands often

  • And take the test if you have symptoms or are in close contact

visit St. Croix County website Follow COVID-19 cases in St. Croix County to find out more about COVID-19, how to get the vaccine, where to get tested, and more.

Make an appointment to get vaccinated Ellsworth Also River Falls..





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