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“People are lined up outside the door and they are sick”: COVID patient bottlenecks are desperate for many Minnesotan – WCCO


First Edition November 22, 2021

Minneapolis (WCCO) — Currently, dozens of hospitals in Minnesota do not have beds available to care for sick children and adults.

read more: COVID, Minnesota: Nat’l Guard arrives as hospitals flood with COVID cases

The Minnesota Health Department reports that more than three-quarters of the state’s ICU beds are full and 52 hospitals can no longer accept patients.

Dr. Dan Hoody is the Chief Healthcare Officer of Henepin Healthcare, the state’s largest healthcare provider. He tells WCCO that they can no longer even take patients from a small hospital.

“The emergency department of our hospital has so many patients waiting to be hospitalized that we have lost the ability to safely accept many transfers from across the region and the ability to bed,” Dr. Hoody said. rice field. “This usually means that you need to reject 5-50 transfers a day.”

Capacity remains a major concern for Thanksgiving holidays. WCCO has found that families in need of hospital beds are having a hard time finding a bed due to the surge in COVID-19 and the shortage of staff.

When Christy Feist’s daughter woke up on Saturday, she knew Annika needed a doctor.

“She needs a bed anytime, anything can happen,” Feist said.

The 9-year-old suffers from rare neuropathy and seizures. It was viral pneumonia that led to their recent trip to the emergency room. Only this time, the process, which normally takes a couple of hours to find a bed, took much longer.

“It’s usually a long process, but no matter what you do on Saturday, it’s not 12, 13, or 14 hours,” Feist said.

Anika finally settled in Children’s Minnesota, Minneapolis at 1:00 am on Sunday and is currently improving.

(Credit: CBS)

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Cheryl Edstrom, located in Wyoming, Minnesota, is a vaccinated nursing home worker who was infected with COVID-19 two weeks ago. She also takes care of her 96-year-old mother at home where Edstrom had a terrible fall while resting downstairs.

“She lay there for hours because I was ill and couldn’t go,” Edstrom said.

Edstrom’s mom went to one hospital, but when oxygen levels dropped, she eventually went to another.

“They admitted me, but they didn’t have a bed, so they kept me in the emergency room,” Edstrom said.

After receiving the antiviral drug and waiting 16 hours in the ER, Edstrom decided that others needed a worse bed than her.

“It was painful. It’s like people lined up outside the door and getting sick,” she said.

To make matters worse, it was tragic for the mother to die at a nearby nursing home to find care while Edstrom was fully recovered at home.

“I know how to put people in bed, I know how to do it, and I couldn’t. There was nothing anywhere. This flattens the whole system. “She says.

Both families urge that they believe that COVID-19 vaccines, boosters and masks will help prevent more people from being hospitalized in public.

The Wyoming Hospital is one of Fairview’s 10 hospitals, and currently half of the ICU capacity of its hospital system is filled with COVID-19 patients.

Other news: Minnesota COVID: City Hall Closed During Forest Lake Outbreak

The child, Minnesota, says that about 12 children with the virus are currently hospitalized.





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