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Alberta children between the ages of 5 and 11 can be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine starting Friday. RMWB reports 77 cases

Alberta children between the ages of 5 and 11 can be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine starting Friday. RMWB reports 77 cases


Over 394,000 pediatric doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine have arrived in Alberta. Children also need two doses to be completely vaccinated against the virus. Health Canada last week approved a vaccine for BioNTech, a child version of Pfizer. Over 2 million doses have arrived from the United States to Canada.

Approximately 30,700 COVID-19 cases have been identified in children aged 5 to 11 years in Alberta, of which 78 are hospitalized and 20 are in the intensive care unit. On Tuesday, Hinshaw announced that COVID-19 was responsible for the death of children under the age of two.

“Note that this child had a complex existing medical condition that played an important role, but this does not reduce the tragic loss of very young children,” she said.

Kenny said children would continue to be exempt from Alberta’s vaccine passport requirements. He also reiterated his previous promise that schools would not be allowed to administer mandatory vaccines to children.

Alberta Health Minister Jason Copping believes that at least 50 percent of parents will participate in the first pediatric deployment of the vaccine. The state is working with doctors on how to reach the other half. Dr. Dina Hinshaw, Alberta’s Chief Health Doctor, will hold a telephone town hall meeting next Tuesday.

Distributing shots at the AHS Clinic is the fastest way to inoculate this age group, Copping said. Vaccine clinics in the school may be pursued at a later date. According to Copping, many schools that were planning to vaccinate middle and high school students with the COVID-19 vaccine earlier this year have been cancelled.

“Given the size of the program, we’re going to use something that’s been tried and errored,” he said. “If we distribute it to all schools, there is a risk that some waste may occur if we do not have an uptake.”

In a statement after the press conference, Alberta NDP education commentator Sarahoffman said the state has not done enough to encourage parents to vaccinate children in this age group. She said not having a school vaccination clinic was the “most obvious failure” from the government.

“There are far fewer places than the adult population, which is by appointment. In fact, UCP is making the same mistakes made in deploying vaccines for adults, and then making some mistakes. “She said.

This is unacceptable. Some families can easily take their children to the AHS clinic, while others do not. Single parents, families with difficult work schedules, and families with multiple children need to take a break from work or find childcare for their siblings in order to vaccinate young children.




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