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Deaths from drug overdose are on the decline in New Hampshire | State


More Americans are dying from drug overdose, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There was an estimated 100,306 fatal overdose in the 12 months to April 2021. This is the most reported event to date over a 12-month period, doubling the total number of car accidents and firearm deaths.

Record numbers of fatal overdose increased by 29% year-on-year, more than double the number reported in 2014. Public health experts attribute it to the growth of fentanyl. It is 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine, as is the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has isolated many Americans suffering from addiction while reducing treatment options and care resources.

New Hampshire is one of four states with reduced mortality from drug overdose. It is estimated that in the 12 months to April 2021, there was a fatal overdose of 372 in New Hampshire, compared to 401 in the same period last year. The 7.2% decrease is ranked as the second largest improvement in any state.

Still, in New Hampshire, deaths associated with certain types of illicit drugs are increasing. Among all drug classifications identified by the CDC, including synthetic and semi-synthetic opioids, psychostimulants such as cocaine, heroin, methanephetamine, and methadone, a drug used to treat heroin and opioid addiction. Methadone showed the largest increase in deaths in the state, up 30.8% year-on-year.

The fatal drug overdose rate in New Hampshire is currently 27.0 per 100,000, the 23rd lowest of all states. Nationally, the case fatality rate per person is 30.3 per 100,000.

All overdose data used in this story is from the National Center for Health Statistics, a division of the CDC. To account for pending investigations and incomplete counts, the reported numbers are estimates calculated by NCHS. Population-adjusted case fatality rates were calculated using population estimates from the US Census Bureau’s 10-year census.

Rank state Yearly change in fatal overdose Drug OD death, 12 months. Until April 2021 Deaths per 100,000, 2021 Drug OD death, 12 months. Until April 2020 Deaths per 100,000 in 2020
1 Vermont 69.9% 209 32.5 one two Three 19.1
2 West Virginia 62.2% 1,607 89.6 991 55.2
3 Kentucky 54.5% 2,319 51.5 1,501 33.3
Four Louisiana 51.6% 2,218 47.6 1,463 31.4
Five Tennessee 50.1% 3,581 51.8 2,385 34.5
6 Mississippi 49.9% 637 21.5 425 14.4
7 California 47.8% 10,585 26.8 7,162 18.1
8 Alaska 46.7% 176 24.0 120 16.4
9 Kansas 45.7% 558 19.0 383 13.0
Ten South Carolina 45.4% 1,907 37.3 1,312 25.6
11 11 Oregon 45.1% 940 22.2 648 15.3
12 Minnesota 38.5% 1,188 20.8 858 15.0
13 New Mexico 37.0% 893 42.2 652 30.8
14 North Carolina 36.9% 3,526 33.8 2,576 24.7
15 Texas 36.4% 4,687 16.1 3,437 11.8
16 16 Georgia 36.3% 2,086 19.5 1,530 14.3
17 17 Washington 35.7% 1,892 24.6 1,394 18.1
18 18 Nevada 35.7% 992 32.0 731 23.5
19 19 Virginia 35.5% 2,262 26.2 1,669 19.3
20 Colorado 34.6% 1,655 28.7 1,230 21.3
twenty one Arkansas 33.0% 536 17.8 403 13.4
twenty two Indiana 32.4% 2,487 36.7 1,878 27.7
twenty three Alabama 31.4% 1,110 22.1 845 16.8
twenty four New York 29.3% 5,496 27.2 4,252 21.0
twenty five Arizona 28.5% 2,768 38.7 2,154 30.1
26 Nebraska 27.9% 211 10.8 165 8.4
27 Ohio 26.6% 5,585 47.3 4,410 37.4
28 28 Florida 26.2% 7,892 36.6 6,256 29.0
29 Main 24.2% 528 38.8 425 31.2
30 Wisconsin 21.8% 1,599 27.1 1,313 22.3
31 Maryland 21.0% 2,876 46.6 2,376 38.5
32 Okurahoma 20.2% 798 20.2 664 16.8
33 33 Michigan 19.3% 2,952 29.3 2,474 24.6
34 Idaho 18.8% 297 16.1 250 13.6
35 Utah 18.5% 674 20.6 569 17.4
36 Rhode Island 17.5% 409 37.3 348 31.7
37 37 Wyoming 16.9% 97 16.8 83 14.4
38 Missouri 14.6% 2,004 32.6 1,749 28.4
39 39 Pennsylvania 13.1% 5,410 41.6 4,784 36.8
40 Illinois 12.6% 3,601 28.1 3,197 25.0
41 41 North dakota 11.9% 122 15.7 109 14.0
42 Iowa 9.5% 426 13.4 389 12.2
43 Montana 6.6% 161 14.8 151 151 13.9
44 Hawaii 6.3% 268 18.4 252 17.3
45 45 Massachusetts 5.8% 2,419 34.4 2,286 32.5
46 Connecticut 4.4% 1,409 39.1 1,350 37.4
47 47 New jersey -1.0% 2,918 31.4 2,948 31.7
48 Delaware -1.7% 459 46.4 467 47.2
49 New Hampshire -7.2% 372 27.0 401 29.1
50 South dakota -19.8% 77 77 8.7 96 10.8





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