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Europe is once again a “false sense of security” about vaccines as the epicenter of COVID-WHO


World Health Organization Chief Tedros Adanom Gebreyes and Qatar to make the FIFA Soccer World Cup 2022 and megasports events healthy and safe at the WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, on October 18, 2021. Attend a ceremony to initiate a multi-year partnership.Via Fabrico Flini / Pool REUTERS

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Geneva, November 24 (Reuters)-World Health Organization President Tedros Adhanom Gebreez said Wednesday that Europe was once again the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in a “false sense of security” about the protection provided by the vaccine. Said it was the earth.

WHO officials have warned that the SARS-CoV-2 virus will continue to spread violently as society returns to pre-pandemic social mix and liquidity towards the New Year holidays.

Tedros said at a news conference last week that more than 60% of COVID-19 cases and deaths reported worldwide occurred in Europe.

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“Many countries and communities are concerned about the false sense of security that the vaccine has ended the pandemic, and vaccinated people do not need to take any other precautions,” he said.

Vaccination, wearing masks, and social distance continue to be the keys to stopping the infection, according to WHO officials.

“We are returning to a pre-pandemic level of social mixing (in Europe) … even in the midst of a very strong resurgence of cases, and some of those countries under high pressure in the healthcare system. Even in the midst of, “said WHO Emergency Director Mike Ryan.

“And in reality, the virus will continue to spread violently in that environment,” he said.

WHO epidemiologist Mariavan Kerkhove said it was important to take action during the holidays, adding that “social measures do not mean a blockade.”

WHO Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan asks about the European Union’s new recommendations for COVID-19 boosters for people over the age of 40, and the priority should continue to inoculate all adults and the most vulnerable groups first. Said. read more

“We will focus on high-risk groups that have not been vaccinated,” she said.

Tedros said he hopes to reach a consensus at the World Trade Organization’s ministerial meeting next week on IP exemptions for pandemic vaccines, which are already endorsed in more than 100 countries.

He was encouraged to reach a “wide agreement” in an international agreement on preventing pandemics at another meeting of his institution’s health ministers from 194 member states next week.

He stopped asking for a “treaty,” as many European Union member states and other states require, but with a “binding agreement” to better manage future pandemics. I said it should be.

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Report by Stephanie Nebehay; edited by Toby Chopra

Our criteria: Thomson Reuters trusts the principles.





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