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Covid’s “super variant” with 32 mutations found in Botswana may be worse than “delta”


The B.1.1.529 variant, which has “very many” mutations, was first discovered in Botswana.

The new Covid variant may be the most evolved strain of virus
The new Covid variant may be the most evolved strain of virus ((((

Image: AFP via Getty Images)

Scientists warn that the new Covid-19 mutant, which has a “very large number” of mutations, is believed to be the most evolved strain of the virus and can escape existing vaccines.

A derivative of an older variant called B.1.1, the B.1.1.529 variant, has 32 spike mutations in the spike protein and has been found in Botswana, South Africa, and Hong Kong, which are believed to be the first to appear. Hong Kong.

So far, only 10 new mutants have been discovered by genomic sequencing, but experts suggest that their identification in three countries may be more extensive. believe.

The single case identified in Hong Kong came from a person who recently traveled from South Africa, raising concerns that more infections could spread through overseas travel.

Numerous mutations in new variants raise concerns among the scientific community as the virus can help evade immunity.

Healthcare workers receive Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine in Francistown, Botswana


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Dr. Tom Peacock, an Imperial College virologist who tweeted about the discovery, said the combination of mutations was “terrifying.”

He described the mutation profile of the new strain as “really terrible,” adding that it could be “worse than almost anything else,” including the currently predominant Delta strain with 16 spike mutations.

He writes: “Exports to Asia mean that this can be more extensive than sequences alone mean, and very long branch lengths and incredibly large spike mutations, which is really a concern. (Escape from most known monoclonal antibodies is expected).

Major mutation sites of coronavirus mutant B.1.531 appear in South Africa


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“The value of emphasizing this is very small in the African region, which is currently fairly well sampled, but it needs to be very monitored due to its horrifying spike profile (which is almost all of the worst antigenically). It is presumed that otherwise). “

So far, 3 cases have been detected in Botswana and 6 cases in South Africa. The first case was collected in Botswana on 11 November.

The Hong Kong case was a 36-year-old man who traveled to South Africa on October 23 and returned home on November 11.

So far, only 10 new mutants have been discovered by genomic sequencing.


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He was negative when he returned to Hong Kong, but was positive on November 13 while being quarantined at the hotel.

In South Africa, cases have increased from 312 on Monday to over 860 on Tuesday, but scientists believe it is premature to determine if there is a link to the new “super variant.”

new coronavirus Subspecies are always identified and often do not spread beyond a few cases.

Currently, there are no cases of the B.1.1.529 variant in the UK, but UK Health and Security Agency (UKHSA) officials and scientists said they are monitoring and investigating the variant.

Currently, there are no confirmed cases of the B.1.1.529 variant in the United Kingdom.


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Dr. Meera Chand, UKHSA’s Covid-19 Incident Director, said:

“Due to the nature of the virus, it mutates frequently and randomly, so it is not uncommon for a small number of cases to be characterized by a new set of mutations. All variants that show evidence of spread are evaluated quickly.”

Professor François Barrow, director of the Institute of Genetics at University College London, said the variant may have evolved during chronic infections in immunocompromised people, perhaps untreated HIV / AIDS patients.

He states: “There is no doubt that by neutralizing the antibody compared to alpha or delta, recognition will be inadequate.

“It’s difficult to predict how much transmission will occur at this stage. It needs to be carefully monitored and analyzed for the time being, but there’s no reason to worry too much unless it starts to increase in frequency in the near future.”

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