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COVID Surge Worse Than Summer, Children’s Cases – NBC Chicago


In Illinois, the number of new COVID cases per day is increasing in the nearly 10 months leading up to Thanksgiving holidays.

Doctors say the children are now in the group most hit by the increasing number of cases.

Here’s what you need to know about the coronavirus pandemic across Illinois today:

What is a “COVID toe”?Questions resurface after Aaron Rodgers’ comments

After the Green Bay Packers quarterback, questions about toe skin conditions that appear to be related to the coronavirus resurfaced. Aaron Rodgers said he is experiencing what is now known as the “COVID toe”.

Rogers said he had a “COVID toe” in his appearance at the “Pat McAfee Show” on Tuesday.

COVID toes A painful skin condition caused by the body’s immune response to COVID-19. Rogers has been tackling persistent toe injuries, but his problem lies in his bones and it’s unclear if COVID’s toes play a role. The Green Bay Packers quarterback will talk to reporters on Wednesday.

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Illinois Coronavirus: 21,034 new cases, 87 deaths, 311K vaccination since Friday

Health officials in Illinois on Friday have reported 21,034 new COVID-19 cases, killed 87 people and received more than 311,000 new vaccines since last Friday.

A total of 1,784,900 coronaviruses have been reported in the state since the outbreak of the pandemic, according to the latest data from the Illinois Public Health Service. Due to the additional deaths reported in the last five days, the state has become 26,313 confirmed COVID deaths.

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Illinois COVID cases outweighed the worst of the delta-led summer surge, IDPH said.

As the weather cools and the holiday season approaches, Illinois has more new COVID cases per day than about 10 months, according to new data from the Illinois Public Health Service.

According to the latest IDPH statistics, the state has recorded an average of 4,618 new cases of coronavirus per day over the past seven days. That number represents a staggering 122% increase in daily cases in the last 31 days alone.

The daily increase in the number of new COVID cases has officially overcome the worst of the delta variant’s surge in cases seen by the state in the summer. In the worst case, the surge caused the state to record an average of 4,440 cases per day in early September.

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Physicians encourage vaccination and mask as COVID cases surge among children

With the proliferation of COVID cases in the United States, children are one of the most hit groups, with more than 30% more cases in the last two weeks alone.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, COVID cases in individuals under the age of 17 have increased by 32% in the last two weeks, with hospitals in Illinois reporting similar trends.

Dr. Mike Capello, vice president of Park Ridge’s Advocate Children’s Hospital, said: “Thankfully, they weren’t very ill, but they need care and observation of inpatients, so the number continues to grow.”

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How to search for COVID cases by state prior to your Thanksgiving trip

As more Chicago citizens plan to travel outside Illinois for this week’s Thanksgiving vacation, how can we search for coronavirus metrics in other states across the United States?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has created an easy way to search for COVID-19 cases, deaths, hospitalizations, vaccinations, infection levels, etc. nationwide.

Click to find the latest COVID related information from the CDC. here Select a state. You also have the option to search the state by county or metropolitan area.

Yes, Illinois still has an obligation to use indoor masks.Here is where you need to wear one

With COVID regulations relaxed nationwide, Illinois is still one of the six states where mask obligations are still in effect.

This means that anyone over the age of 2 who can medically tolerate a face mask, regardless of vaccination status, should wear the mask in a public indoor space in Illinois.

Illinois reinstated Mask’s mission in late August. Governor JB Pritzker at the time said the state was “out of time due to lack of hospital beds.”

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Two states were added to the Chicago Travel Recommendation a few days before Thanksgiving

Two states were added to Chicago’s travel advisory on Tuesday, bringing the number of states on the city’s warning list to 40 states and one region two days before Thanksgiving holidays.

Both Connecticut and Maryland have returned to the “Orange Category” under travel recommendations. This means that unvaccinated travelers entering and exiting these states will need to be tested and quarantined upon arrival in the city.

California, Guam and North Carolina could be off the list next week, the city said.

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Why is Illinois one of the remaining six states with Maskman Dates?This is what one doctor says

Mask requirements have been lifted in dozens of states and communities across the country, but not yet in Illinois. Illinois is one of six states where you need to wear a mask in a public indoor space.

Of the states where Mask’s obligations remain valid (Hawaii, Illinois, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington), Illinois is the only state east of the Mississippi River.

Dr. Jennifer So, advocate for Musk’s mission and chief medical officer at the Chicago Public Health Service, said more cases were seen in colder regions of the United States.

Doctors said Michigan and Minnesota, which are not obliged to mask, have the highest incidence of COVID-19.

Pritzker has not announced if the state plans to roll back its indoor space masking obligations.

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COVID Booster Shot Schedule: When will I get the COVID Booster Shot? Where can I get it in Chicago?

After clearing by U.S. regulators Cleared Moderna and Pfizer COVID booster shots for all US adultsMany people are wondering how quickly they can get a COVID booster shot, how to make a reservation, and where to do it.

Health officials point out that the timing of Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines is different from Johnson & Johnson. So when do you qualify?

The breakdown is as follows.

COVID-19 Thanksgiving Travel Guidance

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced last month Up-to-date guidance on travel for this year’s Thanksgiving, Encourage travelers to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Guidance also suggests wearing a mask in a public indoor environment.

Regardless of vaccination status, public transport traveling within, or outside the United States requires masks on the nose and mouth.

Details of what you need to know if you plan to travel this vacation.

Illinois Coronavirus: 28,280 new cases, 150 deaths, 434K vaccination last week

Health officials in Illinois reported 28,280 new COVID-19 cases last week, killing an additional 150 people and receiving more than 434,995 new vaccines on Friday.

A total of 1,763,866 coronaviruses have been reported in the state since the outbreak of the pandemic, according to the latest data from the Illinois Public Health Service. The additional deaths reported this week have left the state with 26,227 confirmed COVID deaths.

According to the latest IDPH data, new cases of COVID increased by 25% from a week ago. The death toll has also increased since last week.

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District 65 cancels classes prior to Thanksgiving break due to staff shortage

Evanston / Skokie School District 65 cancels classes on Mondays and Tuesdays due to staff shortages and the mental health of staff and faculty, giving students longer Thanksgiving breaks than planned.

In a letter posted online on Friday, district leaders lacked adequate staffing and substitute teacher coverage to “provide the care needed next week and support quality learning.” Announced a decision to explain that.

“I believe this is a result of educators and support staff needing to rest, focus on mental health and take care of their families,” said a letter from Director Devon Horton.

“Our community can respect and understand the unique situation of this situation and the situation we all continue to face,” Houghton added.

“We know that staff, families and students are all doing their best,” he said. “Stress is causing burnout, people are juggling personal and professional responsibilities, and there are countless challenges posed by pandemics.”

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COVID Booster Shot: Who Eligible After CDC Approval

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention approved Booster shots of Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines for all US adults, But can you get it?

Under the new rules, anyone over the age of 18 can choose a Pfizer or Moderna vaccine booster shot 6 months after the last dose. For those who received a single Johnson & Johnson vaccination, the wait was already only two months.

Federal health officials said people can continue to “mix” boosters from any company.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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