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14-day wait between COVID-19 and other vaccines: Some parents in Alberta want them to know


Many Alberta parents were very pleased to be able to book their young children. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Some would like to know about the 14-day recommended period between the Wednesday morning vaccine, children vaccinated with other vaccines and their COVID-19 vaccine.

The Alberta government announced on Tuesday plans to make the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children available to children aged 5-11. Parents and guardians can start vaccination appointments on Wednesday at 8 am. The first reservation will be on Friday.

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Alberta parents can book a COVID-19 vaccine for 5-11 children on Wednesday

“If your child has recently been immunized with another vaccine, such as the flu, we recommend that you wait 14 days before giving your child the pediatric COVID vaccine,” said Dr. Dina Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer, Alberta. Says.

“This is a precautionary measure. I’ve seen older people vaccinated with other vaccines with the COVID vaccine, which is safe and effective, but to allow more careful monitoring of potential side effects. , This 5-11 year old interval is recommended. “

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For Cheryl Fix, that meant pushing back her son’s first COVID-19 administration.

He came back from school on Tuesday and said he just received him Regular grade 6 immunity (HPV and hepatitis B) At school that day.

Mr Fix said he agreed that his son would receive regular immunity, but did not know when he would be given.

“I didn’t know what part of the month or in what season I got those vaccines,” she said. “I actually thought they would be spring.
I was a little surprised.

“We were really excited that he was enrolled in his COVID vaccine this morning, and of course I noticed when we read the paper — they are actually on the site — you When I registered, I said there should be a two-week period, so I had to postpone it.

“I was trying to book them right away, so I actually postponed it for about two and a half weeks in December to get his first COVID shot.”

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Alberta parents can book a COVID-19 vaccine for 5-11 children on Wednesday

Alberta parents can book a COVID-19 vaccine for 5-11 children on Wednesday

She wanted her son to be fully vaccinated before Christmas, but Fix is ​​grateful that he is eligible for immunization.

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“I’m really happy that the COVID vaccine was approved early,” she said.

“I didn’t honestly expect it until March, or at least until spring, so even if we had some protection with the first level of vaccine before we got (what). Probably a smaller Christmas than usual, at least it gives me some comfort. “

Still, if she had been notified a bit in advance, Fix could have prioritized her son’s vaccination with COVID-19 vaccine over other shots, at least temporarily.

“If I could understand how to use the COVID vaccine, I might have done it first,” Fix said.

“It’s okay to wait. I was a little surprised because I was very anxious and excited to finish it earlier. But I’d rather be appropriate so that he wouldn’t be adversely affected in any way. I hope to follow the health guidelines … I would rather follow what the health authorities say in the right time. “

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The Alberta Teachers Association hopes that Pfizer vaccines for children will smooth out bumpy grades.

Fix understands that the healthcare system is currently being criticized and is impressed with the ability to continue regular pediatric vaccines while immediately coordinating the deployment of COVID-19 in children.

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“I’m surprised that public health can do all this at the same time,” she said. “To get all these vaccines (regular vaccines, regular vaccines, COVID vaccines), my hat is aimed at them.

“I can’t imagine how difficult it would be. But in reality, I think it’s good to continue vaccination for children … I think it’s important not to postpone such things. “

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Alberta will begin inoculating COVID-19 to children aged 5-11 on Friday, booking reservations will begin on Wednesday

Alberta will begin inoculating COVID-19 to children aged 5-11 on Friday, booking reservations will begin on Wednesday

She also praised her son’s school, which continued to inform her parents during the pandemic.

The Edmonton Catholic School District said it is working towards more effective communication.

“The school will be notified before the AHS Immune Clinic. We will provide a clinic location and date with the family on behalf of AHS through the school newsletter and calendar,” said spokesman Christine Meadows. I did.

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“We are investigating what happened in this case to ensure more effective communication in the future.”

A department spokesperson said Edmonton Public School “has partnered with Alberta Health Services (Public Health Unit) to provide immune clinics to our department’s schools.” Schools work directly with Alberta Health Services as part of their site-based decision-making model.

“Alberta Health Services is a leader in student immune clinics, including communication with parents and timing of school visits,” Megan Normandeau explained in an email.

Global News has contacted Alberta Health Services for comment.

read more:

COVID-19 Vaccine Preparation: Alberta Parents Need to Know

Hinshaw said on Tuesday that clinical trial data show that Pfizer’s pediatric vaccine is 90.7% effective in preventing COVID-19 in children and that no serious side effects have been reported.

She said that more than 2 million doses have already been given to children aged 5 to 11 years in the United States, with few side effects and no safety signals reported.

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Disease researchers discuss the deployment of Alberta’s COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 years

Disease researchers discuss the deployment of Alberta’s COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 years

She said that the dose for children is one-third of the dose given to people over the age of 12, and the immune response of children aged 5 to 11 years is comparable to that of adults.

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In the last 120 days, 13.4 percent of all COVID-19 cases in Alberta were 5-11 children, Hinshaw said Tuesday.

Of these, 26 required hospitalization, including three treated in the ICU, she said.

Hinshaw encouraged parents and guardians who have questions about vaccines and children to consult a medical professional.

The Telephone Town Hall will open next Tuesday to provide additional information and answer questions.

Alberta Health said that as of 4 pm Wednesday, 49,618 pediatric vaccine reservations were booked online.

The state said that about 391,000 children in Alberta are eligible.

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.





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