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Botswana Covid Strain: Warning for New Mutants with “Dreadful” Mutations


Concerned scientists have warned of new Covid-19 mutants with “very large numbers” of mutations that can cause new confusion.

Fear has increased after scientists have discovered a brand new Covid-19 strain that “may be of real concern.”

The new variant was first featured by Dr. Tom Peacock, a virologist at Imperial College London. Genome sharing site..

In a terrifying warning, Dr. Peacock said, “an incredible amount of spike mutations suggests that this could really be a concern,” and cases have been found in three countries so far. rice field.

Virgologists are very cautious because these 32 spike mutations mean that existing Covid vaccinations can be more difficult to fight new strains.

The B.1.1529 mutant, expected to be called the Nu strain, was first detected in Botswana, Africa, on November 11.

Three days later, a 36-year-old man who spread to South Africa and recently visited South Africa jumped to Hong Kong after a positive quarantine when he returned home on November 13.

Strain can be “worse than delta”

In his first note, Dr. Peacock said that the fact that the strain had spread to Asia “means that this can be more extensive than the sequence alone means,” he said, “with a very long branch length. Incredibly large numbers of spike mutations are really worrisome, suggesting that this is possible. ”

He also predicted that the strain could “escape from the best-known monoclonal antibodies” and showed that it could cause new outbreaks around the world by evading the body’s defenses.

In a series of tweets, Dr. Peacock doubled the warning, arguing that “it needs to be very, very much monitored because of its horrifying spike profile,” and “antigenically worse than most other things.” I will do it. “Includes Deadly Delta Variant This caused havoc around the world.

However, he also provided some words of hope, stating that it could be a “strange cluster” that is not well communicated.

“I hope so,” he posted.

Variants may have evolved in HIV / AIDS patients

Dr. Peacock’s warning has attracted the attention of experts around the world, and Professor François Barrow, director of the Institute of Genetics at University College London, said the new B.1.1529 variant “has an aberrant mutation constellation. I have. “

In the comments provided to Science Media Center“Given the large number of mutations that apparently accumulated in a single burst, it is likely that they evolved during chronic infection in immunocompromised people, probably in untreated HIV / AIDS patients,” said Professor Burrow. Insisted.

“It’s hard to know what to do with both the P681H and N679K carriages. It’s a very rare combination. I don’t think it’s generally” stable “, but other mutations / deletions. In combination with, it may be stable, “he said.

“I definitely hope that by neutralizing the antibody compared to alpha or delta, it will not be fully recognized. It is difficult to predict how much it will be transmitted at this stage.

“So far, four strains have been sequenced and reasonably monitored in sub-Saharan Africa. They may exist in other parts of Africa.”

However, Professor Barrow said the strain “should be closely monitored and analyzed,” but “unless it begins to increase in frequency in the near future,” “there is no reason to be overly concerned.”

Worst timing

The emergence of potentially dangerous new variants happens in the same way as most of the world Start reopening borders For overseas travelers after the deployment of Covid vaccination.

It also comes in the same way Europe is being abused A catastrophic fourth wave broke out as winter approached, and the World Health Organization (WHO) warned this week that the continent is maintaining a pandemic “firm grip.”

With horrifying predictions, WHO insisted Covid deaths in Europe could reach 2.2 million In addition to the 1.5 million deaths recorded so far this winter, an additional 700,000 are expected to die by March 1.





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