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The 55K pediatric COVID-19 vaccine has been booked and the full supply of Alberta is here


Complete Procurement of Alberta Pediatrics COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) The vaccine arrived, Health Minister Jason Copping tweeted Thursday morning.

The supply begins to arrive on Tuesday morning, with the first dose being administered on Friday morning.

(Click here for Thursday’s COVID-19 number.)

As of 9am on Thursday, over 55,000 appointments were booked.

“That’s great,” said Sarah Mackey of Vax Hunters Alberta. “It’s a lot of kids who are going to take their first dose before the holidays come.”

McKee and her team said it was bright at the beginning of Wednesday to help parents find a vaccine appointment and that day had a “slightly bumpy” start.

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Alberta parents can book a COVID-19 vaccine for 5-11 children on Wednesday

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There are several pharmacies on the list of places to book that are known not to offer the pediatric COVID-19 vaccine, and my parents booked at those pharmacies.

Other than that, McKee said the day went much smoother than when the vaccine was released to everyone over the age of 12 in the spring.

The Calgary Zone led the state with the most appointments booked at 26,710. The Edmonton zone had 21,206 reservations, the North zone had 2,668 reservations, the South zone had 2,468 reservations, and the Central zone had the least 1,980 reservations.

According to 2020 census data, about 18% of children in the Calgary zone are reserved, about 17% in the Edmonton zone, about 8.5% in the south zone, and between the five north and central zones. Means there is.6 percent, according to McKee

“That’s not surprising,” she said. I certainly felt like I was concentrating on the city. I hope that number will increase steadily. “

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Were you in a hurry to approve Pfizer’s pediatric vaccine?Expert weighted

In Alberta, the pediatric COVID-19 vaccine is given at the Alberta Health Services clinic. Local pharmacies are only used if there is no clinic in the area.

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McKee wants the state to move to community pop-ups and target outreach in slow-moving areas such as spring.

“Currently, there aren’t many places and it’s great for reducing waste, but it’s harder for people to access,” she said.

read more:

14-day wait between COVID-19 and other vaccines: Some parents in Alberta want them to know

McKee also encourages parents and guardians to share their children with others reserved for the vaccine and talk about how excited their families are.

“For many, they either don’t know or think,’Well, just see what happens.’

“So the more people we can see in our own community and in our own connections vaccinated to our children, the more normalized what is happening. Will do. “

After Health Canada’s approval on November 19, children were able to receive the pediatric Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

The vaccine requires two doses of 10 micrograms each for children aged 5 to 11 years — one-third of the adult dose. The National Advisory Board on Immunity (NACI) recommends two doses at 8-week intervals.

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Click to play video:

Alberta Prime Minister Kenny announces arrival of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5-11

Alberta Prime Minister Kenny announces arrival of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5-11

Dr. Dina Hinshaw, Alberta’s chief health doctor, recommends parents to wait two weeks between other vaccines, such as the flu vaccine, and the COVID-19 vaccine.

“This is a precautionary measure,” she said on Tuesday. “I’ve seen it in a group of older people taking other vaccines with the COVID vaccine, which is safe and effective, but this 5-11 year old so that potential adverse effects can be monitored more closely. Interval is recommended. “

In a statement provided to Global News, a spokesperson for Alberta Health reiterated that advice is a recommendation, not a requirement.

“Regardless of the COVID-19 vaccine interval, because both school immunization and COVID immunization are important and the 14-day interval can be a barrier to children’s vaccination. You can do normal school immunization, “says Michael Francouer.

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“If an individual is in the clinic or another immune system, the individual should not be denied multiple vaccines on the same day, or within 14 days between the COVID-19 vaccine and another vaccine. If it is.”

Parents and guardians can book a COVID-19 vaccine for their child online Or by calling 811.

Thursday’s COVID-19 number

On Thursday afternoon, Alberta Health reported that an additional 379 COVID-19 cases were identified in the last 24 hours and the total number of active cases reached 4,969.

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The state has conducted 9,604 tests. Thursday’s positive rate was not posted online at the time of publication.

The Calgary Zone continues to have the highest number of active cases, at 1,880. There were 1,119 in the Edmonton zone, 837 in the north zone, 712 in the central zone and 413 in the south zone.

read more:

Small but powerful: Vaccination of Canadian children can jump rates by nearly 7%

There were eight active cases that were not assigned to a particular zone.

As of Thursday, there were 465 hospitalized Albertans in COVID-19, 98 of whom were being treated in the ICU.

In the last 24 hours, one more death has been reported to the state. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Alberta currently has 3,232 COVID-19 deaths.

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As of Thursday’s renewal, 88.5 percent of eligible Albertin 12 years and older had received at least one COVID-19 vaccine. Of the same group, 83.5 percent were fully vaccinated.

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Since the beginning of the pandemic, 333,847 Albertans have been infected with COVID-19 and 325,646 have recovered.

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.





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