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An 8-year-old boy who remains in a coma after experiencing a rare Covid reaction

An 8-year-old boy who remains in a coma after experiencing a rare Covid reaction


An 8-year-old boy fell into a coma after a rare reaction to Covid-19. mirror Report.

Cameron Brown was rushed to the hospital three weeks after recovering from the virus. The boy, who tested positive for the virus but had no symptoms, had a large lump on his neck and a rash on his body.

Four days later, when I was watching TV, my vision was blurred. His worried mother, Lorraine, and his father, James, rushed Cameron to A & E, where doctors diagnosed him as pediatric inflammatory multisystem inflammatory syndrome (PIMS).

In rare cases, the immune system becomes overdriven, causing severe inflammation throughout the body when it attacks the body.

Cameron’s condition deteriorated rapidly and his heart began to weaken.

To stabilize him, doctors put Cameron in an artificial coma and he was taken from the Royal Aberdeen Clinic to Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow.

The boy was eventually pulled out, but James and Lorraine warned their parents to notice the symptoms after admitting that they knew nothing about PIMS before their son became ill.

Lorraine, 45, from Stone Haven, Said to the mirror : “On October 11th, Cameron’s friend’s mother contacted her little boy with a positive Covid test.

“When I got home and did an immunochromatography, two lines appeared, so I immediately isolated him.

“He was a little tired for the first few days, but after that he bounced off the couch and returned to his usual self.

“If my mom hadn’t contacted me, I wouldn’t know he was infected with Covid.”

Three weeks after recovering from the virus, Cameron found a lump in his neck on the day he was scheduled to be vaccinated against the flu at school.

“On Tuesday, November 2, Lorraine said he had a lump in his neck.

“I told the doctor, and they thought it was only his lymph glands. His temperature rose to about 40 degrees, but the doctor said it was a reaction to his flu vaccine. I said it might be.

“Thursday he was still very tired. He managed some food on Thursday night but was ill at night.

“Then he wasn’t interested in food. We called the doctor again and she took a urine sample and checked his chest and pulse. She was very worried. , His body temperature was really high. “

If Cameron’s condition deteriorated over the weekend, Lorraine was told to call 111.

On Saturday afternoon he developed a rash on his hands and face.

About 30 minutes later, he was watching TV when he told his mother that the screen didn’t look right.

Lorraine called 111 and told her to take Cameron to A & E. There, doctors discovered that young people had symptoms of PIMS.

Lorraine said: “They measured his blood pressure and it dropped considerably. They made him crazy about various things and explained PIMS.

“I hadn’t heard of it before, but they said after Covid, the antibodies could fight too much and swell.

“He underwent various tests all night. They used hemoglobin to regulate their heart, but they didn’t respond.

“At that point, around 9am, they decided to put him in an artificial coma.

“I was focused on getting him better, but when they said that, that was my breakdown.

“You know that his heart is weak, and the opposite can be very dangerous.

“He was still very tired, but in the morning he had a facetime chat with his dad and his brother. The nurse just acted normally to us and warned him about what would happen. I told you not to.

“Before that, I chatted with him and said,’I can’t sleep, I have to go home.’

“But he wasn’t scared. He’s a little kid with a very strong will and determination.”

Due to the storm, the ambulance was grounded and a Coast Guard helicopter picked up the doctor in Glasgow and flew to Aberdeen.

The rescue team then collected Cameron and transferred it to QEUH.

Cameron was admitted to the ICU for three days before waking up.

Dad James, 48, said:

“The consultant explained that PIMS tends to be found in children who have no underlying health and basically have a strong immune system.

“It’s like the immune system is so strong that it gets over Covid quickly, so children have no symptoms, or if the symptoms are very mild, they are at risk of suffering from PIMS.

“Because the body believes that the body has recovered mostly from Covid and the immune system is still fighting the virus, it reaches a point where the immune system begins to attack the body and inflame major organs.

“In the case of Cameron, it was his heart that was struggling.

“As long as you can control your immune system, it’s not like an infection or illness that’s attacking your body, so you can recover really quickly. It’s your own body’s immune system. I will recover. “

Cameron was hospitalized for a week before being discharged.

The brave young man was dying to go home and meet his brothers Archie (12) and Ben (13).

He also wanted to meet his friends at school, so he came back two days later.

Lorraine said: “After a cold weekend, he said he wanted to go straight back to school.

“He has a little fog in his brain and complains about leg cramps, but he has experienced a lot.

“This week he’s back in extracurricular activities. I think it’s very rare for a child to bounce off quickly.

“Steroids affect his hormones, but physically he’s doing really well.”

Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital describes the main sign of PIMS as high temperatures that last for several days.

Other symptoms include:

  • rash
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Tummy pain and cramps
  • Red and cracked lips
  • Swelling of limbs
  • Detachment of skin on limbs
  • headache
  • Red eyes
  • Myalgia and pain
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Swelling of the glands in the neck
  • Unexplained insensitivity

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