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APH reports 29 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 and low-risk exposure


Argoma COVID-19

Algoma Public Health today reports 29 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 (# 959 – # 987), 25 from Sucent. From Marie and Area, Central and East Argoma 4.

Despite the newly reported cases, the number of active cases increased only to 259, one of which was from outside the district. The number of hospitalized cases has decreased to 14 and the total number of cases resolved has reached 729.

APH also recommends low-risk exposure to COVID-19 for those who were in the Shooters Lounge on Sucent’s 68 Dennis Street. Marie at the next date and time to follow public health instructions.

  • November 22nd, 3am to 5pm

Individuals witnessed at the dates and times listed in Potential Low Risk Exposure are required to:

APH continues to advise that there is evidence of community expansion throughout the district and is currently experiencing one of the highest percentage of cases identified in a week across northern Ontario. doing.

In addition, due to the rising incidence of COVID-19 in the Algoma district, APH is backed by cases and contact managers from the state workforce or partner health units. If you are a case or high-risk contact, you may receive a call from your case / contact manager from outside Algoma Public Health.

Details of confirmed cases:
Status Tested
Case # 959 Thick contact Self-quarantine November 24, 2021
Case # 960 do not know Self-quarantine November 24, 2021
Case # 961 do not know Self-quarantine November 24, 2021
Case # 962 Thick contact Self-quarantine November 24, 2021
Case # 963 do not know Self-quarantine November 24, 2021
Case # 964 do not know Self-quarantine November 24, 2021
Case # 965 Thick contact Self-quarantine November 24, 2021
Case # 966 do not know Self-quarantine November 24, 2021
Case # 967 do not know Self-quarantine November 24, 2021
Case # 968 Thick contact Self-quarantine November 25, 2021
Case # 969 Under investigation Under investigation Under investigation
Case # 970 Thick contact Self-quarantine November 21, 2021
Case # 971 Thick contact Self-quarantine November 24, 2021
Case # 972 Under investigation Under investigation Under investigation
Case # 973 Under investigation Under investigation Under investigation
Case # 974 do not know Self-quarantine November 25, 2021
Case # 975 Thick contact Self-quarantine November 21, 2021
Case # 976 Thick contact Self-quarantine November 21, 2021
Case # 977 do not know Self-quarantine November 25, 2021
Case # 978 Under investigation Under investigation Under investigation
Case # 979 Thick contact Self-quarantine November 23, 2021
Case # 980 do not know Self-quarantine November 23, 2021
Case # 981 Thick contact Self-quarantine November 21, 2021
Case # 982 Under investigation Under investigation Under investigation
Case # 983 Under investigation Under investigation Under investigation
Case # 984 Under investigation Under investigation Under investigation
Case # 985 Under investigation Under investigation Under investigation
Case # 986 Thick contact Self-quarantine November 23, 2021
Case # 987 Under investigation Under investigation Under investigation
Situation of cases of Argoma:
Tested (1) Confirmed
Case (2)


Case (3)
Deceased (4)
189,531 987 258 (1)
14 729 14
Updated: November 25, 2021 5:30 pm

opinion Current status of Argoma And that Updated status of cases of Argoma..

(1) What Argoma Public Health is aware of. The tested numbers will be updated on Monday and Wednesday.

(2) Argoma residents who have confirmed COVID-19 infection.

The numbers in parentheses are active cases of non-Argoma residents who are temporarily in Argoma. These cases do not count as part of the confirmed number of cases of Argoma. APH will perform contact tracing and self-isolation monitoring for all cases within Argoma.

(3) The patient was judged positive, but has been resolved according to current public health standards. This number includes those who have died.

  • These datasets are tentative and subject to change until further consideration.
  • Confirmed positives will be reported as soon as they are publicly available.

(4) Deaths include the number of people who died in confirmed cases of COVID-19.

The Argoma regions where cases of COVID-19 have been reported in the last 14 days include:
  • Sucent.Marie and Area
  • Central and East Argoma

Unknown exposure It means that the person had no recent travel abroad or close contact with known confirmed cases. It is unknown how the person acquired the virus.

Thick contact It means that the infection was acquired through close contact with known confirmed cases. For example, living with a case or spending more than 15 minutes with a case at a distance of less than 2 meters is considered high-risk, intimate contact exposure.

Overseas travel It means that you were infected on a trip outside Canada.

COVID-19 activity in northern Ontario
region Case rate

Per week *
(Cases per 100,000 population)

Argoma Public Health 163.4
North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit 13.9
Northwest Health Unit 17.1
Porcupine Health Unit 10.8
Sudberry & District Health Unit 114.6
Thunder Bay District Health Unit 19.3
Timis Cumming Health Unit 143.8
Week: November 16th to 22nd, 2021

* Includes only confirmed cases

COVID-19 activity in northern Michigan
region Case rate

Per week *
(Cases per 100,000 population)

Upper Peninsula 186.7
Chippewa County 75.0
Mackinaw County 102.0
Week: November 16th to 22nd, 2021

* Includes only confirmed cases

Important action:
  • Even with mild symptoms, the sick person must stay at home and be self-isolated away from others.
  • As of September 22, 2021, you must be fully vaccinated and submit a vaccination certificate to access certain indoor businesses and settings. Find out where you need to show your vaccination certificate and how to get and use your vaccine receipt at the following URL:
  • Ontario is now Step 3 of the Ontario 3-Step Roadmap to resume.. This three-step plan will safely and phase out public health measures based on continued progress in immunization rates across the state and improvements in key public health and healthcare indicators.
  • If you are considering going to a private gathering indoors or outdoors, the Public Health Agency of Canada (Healthy Canadian)release Recommendations About things to keep in mind. When in public places such as workplaces, public transport, and stores, continue to follow public health guidance in place to minimize the risk of spread. Wear a mask, practice physical distance and wash your hands.
  • Whether you are unvaccinated, partially vaccinated, or fully vaccinated, you should stay home and be tested for COVID-19 if you have any illness or symptoms.
  • As of October 2, 2020 Mandatory masking policy Expanded throughout Ontario in all state-wide indoor environments, including businesses, facilities, and workplaces.
Immune status of the case

Between July 1, 2021 and October 20, 2021, 86 cases of COVID-19 were reported in Argoma. Of these, 19 (22.1%) were fully vaccinated individuals and 67 (77.9%) were unvaccinated or partially vaccinated individuals.

See the APH infographic for more information on vaccine efficacy and case count reporting. Vaccine efficacy: beyond the number of cases..

VOC update:

VOCs continue to circulate in Argoma. VOCs are of concern because, depending on the type of mutations present, VOCs can spread more aggressively, leading to more serious illness or reducing the effectiveness of the vaccine. As a result of additional laboratory tests, the following VOCs were detected in Argoma.

  • B.1.1.7 (Alpha), first detected in the UK
  • B.1.617.2 (Delta), first detected in India
  • P.1 (gamma), first detected in Brazil

Since July 2021, the main strain of COVID-19 present in Argoma has been the delta variant (B.1.617.2). Ontario Public Health In the first week of September 2021, it is estimated that the majority (93.3%) of COVID-19 cases in Ontario had mutation profiles (N501Y- and E484K-) consistent with delta variants. For more information on VOC surveillance in Ontario, please visit: Ontario Public Health VOC Monitoring Page..




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