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COVID cases in children increased by 32% in 2 weeks.High risk of stillbirth; holiday masking guidance


Pediatrician: 32% increase in pediatric COVID cases in 2 weeks

According to new data released this week, cases of COVID-19 in children have surged 32% nationwide from two weeks ago. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

In the week leading up to November 18, there are at least 141,905 new cases among children (individuals under the age of 18), representing more than a quarter of all COVID cases of the week.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, children have accounted for almost 17 percent of the cumulative total of cases. According to AAP, hospitalizations and deaths associated with COVID-19 are still rare in children. However, pediatricians remain concerned about the long-term effects of COVID in children.

COVID cases in children remain “very high,” the AAP report said. For 15 consecutive weeks, the number of COVID-19 cases in children has exceeded 100,000. Since the first week of September, more than 1.7 million children have been added.

Vaccination against COVID-19 is widely available to people over the age of five. US regulators last month approved the emergency use of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 years. The vaccine has been approved for several months for people over the age of 12.

“At this point, serious illness with COVID-19 seems to be rare among children,” AAP said. “But more about the long-term effects of a pandemic on children, such as how the virus can harm the long-term physical health of infected children and its emotional and mental health effects. There is an urgent need to collect a lot of data. “

AAP and the Children’s Hospital Association are working together to collect and share all state-published data on cases of COVID-19 in children.

CDC: Studies Find High Risk of Stillbirth in Pregnant Women with COVID-19

New research published by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Pregnant women were found to be at increased risk of serious illness due to COVID-19 and stillbirth compared to women who were not diagnosed with coronavirus.

The new study reviewed data from the Mississippi Department of Health. Findings: The mortality rate of pregnant women infected with COVID-19 was more than three times higher than that of non-pregnant women of reproductive age. COVID-related mortality during pregnancy increased five-fold when the delta mutant was widespread compared to the early stages of the pandemic.

Prior to the outbreak of the delta variant, pregnant women with COVID-19 had a 47% increased risk of stillbirth compared to uninfected women. After the widespread distribution of Delta, the increased risk of stillbirth surged to 300 percent.

Given the differences observed before and during the predominance of the delta mutation, the CDC “needs additional research to investigate the role of maternal complications with COVID-19 in the risk of stillbirth.” Stated. Among those diagnosed with COVID-19, “markers of certain underlying medical conditions and maternal morbidity, including the need for intensive care, were associated with stillbirth,” the agency said.

During the study period from March 2020 to October 6, 2021, 15 pregnant women in Mississippi died after being tested positive for coronavirus. Researchers said no one was completely vaccinated.

“Implementing an evidence-based COVID-19 prevention strategy, including pre-pregnancy or pre-pregnancy vaccination, is important to reduce the impact of COVID-19 on stillbirth,” the CDC concludes in a summary of the data. increase.

The risk of severe COVID was even higher in pregnant African-American women. According to the CDC, they were more than three times more likely to die than Hispanics and Caucasians.

On September 29, the CDC issued its strongest recommendations, calling for “urgent action” to increase vaccination rates for COVID-19 in pregnant women. “In addition to the risk of serious illness and death in pregnant and recently pregnant people, there is an increased risk of adverse pregnancy and neonatal outcomes, including preterm birth,” the CDC said.

Holiday masking guidance remains fairly rigorous — not so many for vaccinated families

As Thanksgiving’s Holiday Weekend goes into full swing, the United States is facing the second holiday season of the COVID-19 pandemic. But this year, there are widely available, safe and effective vaccines for people over the age of five.

Still, a significant portion of the eligible population remains unvaccinated, and U.S. public health officials have encouraged everyone to wear masks when the vaccination status of others is unknown. I continue to urge you. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said, “Even those who are fully vaccinated should wear masks in public indoor environments where COVID-19 infection rates are fairly high or high.” I am saying. This is the current situation in almost every state as of a few days before Thanksgiving.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, MD, Chief Medical Advisor of the White House and director of the National Institute for Allergic Infectious Diseases, recently said that families who have been fully vaccinated with COVID can take off their masks at indoor holiday gatherings. I told CNN. “That’s what I’m trying to do with my family,” Dr. Forch told the network.

“Vaccination makes it very easy to enjoy your vacation,” he added. “If not, be careful. If you need to take the test when you’re gathering, take the test, but it’s not a substitute for vaccination.”

According to the CDC’s November 19 report, nearly 196 million people, or 59% of the United States, are fully vaccinated. However, about 27% of people eligible for the vaccine, or about 83 million, have not yet received the first dose.

If you are considering a vacation or a trip to an event, please visit the following website: CDC Travel Page About specific guidance. The CDC recommends delaying your trip until you are fully vaccinated.

The CDC states that anyone with a weakened immune system or taking medication is recommended for those who have not been vaccinated, such as wearing a proper mask, unless advised by a healthcare provider. We need to take precautions, “he added.

Here are the details from the CDC A safer way to celebrate the holidays..

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