NHS Tayside admits that breast cancer patients are being sent elsewhere for care
NHS Tayside bosses have been forced to move breast cancer patients to other health committee areas for care after several weeks claiming that staffing issues “did not harm” the general public. I admitted that I was there.
It can be revealed that some women with early-stage cancer were sent to Aberdeen for the first meeting with a consultant drafted by the NHS Grand Pian to support the Tayside region. Embarrassed oncology team..
Patients who are usually complained of breast abnormalities through a general practitioner are also forced to attend a Force Valley surgical clinic “if they want to book as early as possible”.
Due to the shortage of radiologists, the NHS Force Valley will continue to operate these additional clinics for Tayside diagnostic services until the end of the year.
The diagnostic team operates separately from the Breast Oncology Service, a treatment team assigned for patients with a definitive diagnosis of breast cancer.
Sent to Aberdeen
All Tayside patients with early-stage breast cancer are currently being examined by NHS Grandpian consultants. Following the outflow of oncologists Anyone who claims to have been “thrown under the bus” by management Chemotherapy dosing scandal..
We learned that while patients were offered their first visit by a video link with Dr. Grandpian, other patients were forced to travel directly to Aberdeen.
This issue became apparent after patients, doctors and local politicians expressed concern about NHS Bayside’s allegations about where the service was provided.
Peter Stonebridge, NHSTayside’s medical director, presented a list of concerns and argued that patients “need to be reassured that all treatments are done in Tayside.”
However, he also confirmed that a “minority” of early-stage breast cancer patients were sent to Aberdeen for the first appointment.
“This is due to their individual clinical symptoms and is done in consultation with the patient,” said Professor Stonebridge.
“None of these patients who went for that single promise at Aberdeen have raised any direct concerns about the service,” he added.
Professor Stonebridge also confirmed that the NHS Forth Valley will continue to provide additional support for regular referrals to diagnostic services.
He states: “Some patients are offered the option to go there if they want to book as early as possible. These additional clinics will run until the end of the year.
“If someone has an urgent referral, they can be seen on Tayside.”
Members tell MSP to travel for treatment on a regular basis
Northeast Labor MSP Michael Mara said NHS Tayside’s “pushed out” defense “has little to do with the living reality of too many women and their families.”
He states: “Members are telling me that they need to go out regularly from Tayside for treatment.
“They also face significant and worrying delays in access to diagnosis and treatment.”
Mara admitted that many patients received excellent care, but “too many patients did not, and the provision of local experts on important aspects of care was lost at the beginning of the new year. The situation will get worse because of this. “
Further staffing issues on the horizon
we Previously reported How NHS Tayside’s only breast radiation therapy specialist retired in January at the age of 57, leaving only one breast oncologist in the area.
The oncology scholar hired in August covers the board’s advanced breast oncology services, but cannot do radiation therapy jobs.
Early-stage breast cancer services are provided by NHS Grampian experts, but there are growing concerns about the long-term future of treatment at Tayside.
NHS Tayside said their recruitment to replace their only radiation therapy oncologist “is continuing in parallel with the investigation of other service delivery options.”
“It is neither realistic nor rational to travel long distances to attend a consultation,” said Lee Dennis of the NHS Bayside Cancer Treatment Support Group.
She said this “creates a stress burden on those who have already experienced the most worrisome and stressful times of life.”
Mrs. Dennis, the mother of four from Perth, is one of 200 patients I left looking for the answer After receiving lower than standard dose of chemotherapy by NHS Tayside.
She argued that “a thorough focus should be placed on correcting the serious staff shortage currently being seen in the NHS Tayside Oncology Department.”
“Cancer patients do not anticipate this level of management instability when faced with a life-threatening crisis,” she said.
“Insufficient provision of cancer treatment in one of Scotland’s most disadvantaged areas is a scandal.
“The fear and uncertainty associated with diagnosing cancer should not be exacerbated by the fear and uncertainty about where the care is given or whether there are staff.”
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