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Global Report: WHO warns of second peak, “disaster” imminent millions of children | World News


Coronavirus pandemics have a “disastrous” impact on the rights of children around the world, making them more vulnerable to forced labor and the marriage of minors, rights groups say. World Health Organization If the restriction was lifted too soon, we warned “immediate second peak”.

According to the Dutch NGO Kids Wright, the outbreak has left millions of children in extreme poverty, leaving the government unable to get funding for the health and education of young people.

“This crisis reverses the clock of many years of progress on children’s well-being,” founder and chairman Marc Dalat said he started an annual survey. “Therefore, a greater emphasis on children’s rights is needed more than ever.”

While the suspension of vaccination campaigns for children also increased the risk of infant mortality, hundreds of millions of children, who normally depend on school feeding, lacked a reliable daily source of nutrition.

The annual Kids Rights Ranking uses UN data to measure how countries respond to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Put This Year’s Survey-Don’t Consider Pandemics- Iceland, Switzerland And Finland Top, Chad, Afghanistan And Sierra Leone The worst country.

The NGO alert came when WHO emergency director Dr. Mike Ryan always talked about the possibility of a second wave of infection, especially if measures to stop the first wave were premature.

He said: “We can’t assume that it will continue to decline just because the illness is downhill now, and we’re preparing for the second wave. I’ve been getting for a few months. A second peak can occur on this wave. “

The call for vigilance echoed as regulations were relaxed Europe, Japan Canceled the emergency, People with Us The beginning of summer Anniversary weekend vacation..

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said, “If you relax, the infection will spread very rapidly. You need to be vigilant.” He urged people to adopt a “new lifestyle” and keep avoiding the “three Cs” (closed spaces, crowded places, close contact).

More than 98,000 people have died in the United States, and many headed to beaches and parks all weekend. According to Johns Hopkins trackers, many did not wear masks or did not follow distance rules. The crowded pool and street imagery also created a new threat of a virus that infected approximately 5.5 million people and killed more than 346,000 worldwide.

Dr Deborah Burks, coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Headquarters, said he was “extremely concerned” about the scene of people gathering over the weekend. “We always want to be clear that social distance is absolutely important. We also have to wear a mask when we’re out of the social distance and outside,” Birx says. I have stated this week.

Californians stuff beaches on Memorial Day weekend and violate rules of social distance – video

Hard hit Spain, Madrid and Barcelona emerged cautiously from one of the toughest blockades in the world. The park and cafe terrace opened for the first time in over two months.

Hundreds of people flooded the famous Retiro Park in Madrid and enjoyed walking and jogging in the sunshine. “Relaunching Retiro made me feel calm and comfortable,” said 50-year-old teacher Rosa San Jose.

The Spanish government also announced that it will end quarantine of foreigners from 1 July to support the abused tourism sector.

Gym and swimming pool Germany, Iceland, Italy And Spain, Lower infection rate Greece The restaurant was able to reopen a week earlier than planned.

However, SwedenCovid-19, which has received international attention due to the lack of home-based measures, has killed more than 4,000 people. This is a much higher number than its neighbors.

In UK, Dominic Cummings, a major advisor to Boris Johnson, Refuse to resign or apologize For breaking the lockdown rule, saying, “I don’t regret what I did … rational people may oppose.” The Prime Minister gave Cummings full support, but “regreted the turmoil of anger and pain felt by people as a country that has experienced tremendous hardship and suffering.” Police and criminal commissioners in Durham, the area Cummings visited, formally requested the police. Start the investigation..

The anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine-which Donald Trump said he’s taking as a preventative measure-but hopes it could be used as a potential cure for the virus hit after WHO Aborted clinical trial “while safety is being reviewed”.. Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the decision made in the light of a paper issued last week showed that people taking the drug were at increased risk of death and heart problems.

Other global trends:

  • To MexicoQuestions about the accuracy of the official Covid-19 death toll have increased since then Mexico City recorded more than 8,000 deaths So far this year is more than the average of four years. The official death toll in the country is 7,633, according to Johns Hopkins trackers.

  • Germany In the case of a hostile bid to an airline, it gave Lufthansa a bailout of € 9 billion ($ 9.8 billion) in a contract denying Berlin. Germany’s largest rescue business since the Coronavirus crisis will have a 20% stake in the government. Thousands of jobs could be raised, up to 25% plus one share if an acquisition attempt is made as it seeks to protect.

  • Singapore The government announced on Tuesday that a pandemic of coronaviruses has curtailed a major export sector, and the economy tackled could shrink by as much as 7pc this year, the worst year since independence.

  • To Brazil, Hug president Gile Bolsonaro continues to get more pressure It started at midnight Washington time on Tuesday after a travel ban imposed by Trump on non-US citizens from South American countries was raised two days later. It came because Brazil first recorded higher daily deaths than the United States (807 vs. 620).

  • In the United States, rodents that have been deprived of restaurant waste and street trash for months have been exhibited. “Abnormal and aggressive” behavior, Health officials warned of reports of cannibalism and child killing.

  • To AustraliaTwo schools, the most populous state in New South Wales, where children returned to school full-time on Monday, closed down after reporting a new coronavirus case.


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