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Vegan anti-vaxxer begged for Covid vaccine before dying


The man who refused Covid Jab because he wasn’t vegan changed his mind when he was dying in the intensive care unit.

The anti-vaxxer, who refused to obtain Covid jabs because he was not vegan, died of the virus after a two-week battle in the intensive care unit.

Grin Steele, 54, was reported to have told his wife, “I want to get the vaccine,” before he died at the Royal Hospital in Worcestershire, England, on November 16. Sun..

Only two months after his 55th birthday, Grin was planning to retire and spend more time traveling and caring for animals.

According to his wife, Grin’s last word was, “I’ve never felt so sick. I wish I had a vaccine.”

Emma, ​​a 50-year-old double jab, said she was facing an “empty future alone” and called on everyone to get the vaccine.

“I insist that everyone I know be vaccinated,” she said.

“The last thing Grin told me was,’I’ve never felt so sick, so I should have been vaccinated.'” It was a pain.

“He begged for the vaccine when he was in the intensive care unit before going into life support, but they said it was too late.

“I cried for dehydration every night, wept like a river in the morning, and woke up crying at night.

“I need to tell those who loved him that I’ll never see him again and see their pain. I’m used to trying to make people laugh rather than make them cry.

“He was a very kind soul. He was vegan and was tested on animals, so he didn’t want the Covid vaccine.”

At his home in Malvern, Midlands, field service engineer Grin took care of a total of six rescued cats and dogs and brought back a dog in need from a vacation in Sri Lanka.

He hesitated to get the vaccine after reading that pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer BioNTech, Modana, Johnson & Johnson tested the vaccine in animals.

Grin started with a cold, gradually worsened, and tested positive for Covid on October 27.

He deteriorated rapidly due to age and lack of vaccine, and Emma had to call an ambulance on November 2.

However, she was told that no one was available, so she had to take her unconscious 19-stone husband to the hospital herself.

When she arrived with him, she said twelve ambulances were lining up outside Worcestershire Royal Hospital.

“With him until the end”

Emma added: “I still don’t know how to get him into the car. He was so heavy that I couldn’t even push him into a hospital wheelchair.

“Soon a young man appeared and offered to help. He was there because his mother was sick and he couldn’t get an ambulance, so he took her to the hospital like I did. I had to go. “

Grin was immediately admitted to the intensive care unit, but by the 10th he was in a life-supporting and coma state.

Emma said: “I was with him when he died. I couldn’t touch him because I wore a complete PPE kit, but they were his favorite music by the Sex Pistols. I played and I was with him until the end. “

Grin died within 20 minutes of the life support system being turned off.

Despite two weeks, Emma says she can’t imagine a life without him yet.

“I miss our friendships, partnerships, love, and connections forever,” she said.

“When my thoughts get really noisy and scary and I take over, I think sometimes I need to text the word TALK to the suicide hotline.”

Grin’s niece Charlotte Steel GoFundMe page The purpose is to collect money for the funeral.

Today, a third case of the superstrain Omicron has been identified in the United Kingdom.

Dr. Jenny Harries, CEO of UKHSA, has since warned that further infections are “very likely” to be recorded next week.

Dr. Harry’s also urged anyone who has not yet been vaccinated to come forward.

“Vaccination is important to strengthen our defenses against this new variant. Get the first, second, or booster jabs without delay,” she said.

“Wear masks in crowded areas such as public transport and shops to ensure that all of us break the chain of infections and slow the spread of this new variant.”

This article was originally published in The Sun and has been reproduced with permission.





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