A 28-year-old woman feels electrocuted every time she touches her face
After visiting a specialist and analyzing an MRI scan, Laura Cruz was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia and began to experience up to 25 severe pains per day.
Image: Catering News Agency)
Elementary school teachers say they seem to be electrocuted every time they touch their face after being diagnosed with a severely painful illness.
Laura Cruz was diagnosed with a very rare condition called trigeminal neuralgia. It causes debilitating pain and cannot be treated with painkillers.
She woke up on January 12, this year, with a faint tingling on the right side of her lips, which developed into severe pain within a few weeks, and doctors initially mistaken the rare illness for herpes zoster.
However, after visiting a specialist and analyzing an MRI scan, Laura was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia and began to experience severe pain up to 25 times a day.
28-year-old Laura, who got married in the summer, is currently raising money for surgery to give birth to a child.
To support fundraising for surgery to help Laura give birth click here
Kate’s News Agency)
Current medications are more likely to cause malformations and are advised not to give birth. In short, surgery is the last hope to start a family with her husband Troy.
Laura said: “This illness has completely exhausted my life. I can’t brush my hair or teeth, eat, sleep, stand in the wind, or touch my face.
“The flare up is so bad that I understand why it’s called a” suicide disease. “
“I’m taking medicine that should reduce my pain, but I still have up to 25 breakthrough pains a day, and it’s so terrible that I sometimes yell out.
“After a recent flare up, I went to A & E, where they were told to go home because there was nothing they could do.
“MRI scans show that blood vessels are wrapped around nerves, which is the cause of pain, so we funded with GoFundMe, decompressed nerves, and placed a Teflon pad between nerves and unpleasant blood vessels. increase. .
Kate’s News Agency)
“We should be on our honeymoon and wanted to challenge our children since we got married, but this illness has taken over my life completely.”
After first waking up in January with a tingling sensation on the right side of her lips, Laura began to experience sharp and extreme pain, which spread throughout her correct type of face and distorted her eyesight.
She was taking antivirals, but continued to visit the GP as her pain worsened and was first informed about her condition in February.
Laura said, “I was afraid when I looked into the condition and saw it called suicide.
“I remember wondering how to live with this because there is no cure.
Kate’s News Agency)
Kate’s News Agency)
“At this point, everything is causing pain and it’s winter, so the cold is getting worse and I’m currently having a hard time continuing to work.
“I just got married and I feel like I’m putting a strain on my husband.”
Laura and her husband, 29-year-old husband Troy, work as cameramen, got married in the summer and wanted to do it for their family this year.
But her medicine means she can’t give birth because of the risks it can cause.
She states: “Surgeons want to be able to buy me painlessly for 2 to 10 years of surgery, stop the drug and try the baby.
“It was the most devastating part for me.
“I’ll be back someday, but if I can get the time to have a family, that’s what I care about.
“Waiting time NHS Somewhere in half a year or two years, I can’t wait that long-the pain is intolerable.
“Surgery is scheduled for January 20th. I hope I can get enough money with my own money. GoFundMe page.
“This is an invisible illness, and in many cases people will think that nothing is wrong with me, but I got people to know more about this illness and realized that it was serious. I want you to do it. “
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